Atmosphere of Collaboration

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Updated: Jun 29, 2022
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I am honored to have the opportunity to apply for the Principal’s Pursuing Excellence Program (PPE). I am attaching my completed application and all applicable documentation to this letter for your consideration and review.

I am currently the Assistant Principal at Polk Middle School-a hidden gem located in the South Valley region of Albuquerque, New Mexico. In my short time as Polk’s Assistant Principal, I have been a part of our designation as a Dual Language, AVID Excel, and Community School. I believe these successes are in part due to our shared philosophy around relationship building, a desire for innovative strategies, a strong sense of community, and a focus that embraces servant and instructional leadership.

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We have also applied to for a grant to become the first Agricultural Science Magnet School in our district. Strong leaders understand that success depends on building on the “we” vs the “I”. This letter will highlight my overarching principles of leadership and how I believe the Principal Pursuing Excellence program can assist me to grow as a leader.

“Instructional Leadership” is at the core of my philosophy. A principal must be willing to be a part of the cycle of inquiry as this builds trust, fosters an atmosphere of collaboration, and builds a positive school culture and climate. Our 90 Day Plan is built around these key tenets with a focus on Tier I Instruction and collaboration along with a strong emphasis on relationship building and academic rigor. This has been a work in progress. We, as an administrative team, have made strides; however, I recognize and appreciate the power and knowledge a veteran administrator can offer me to help refine my path towards becoming a more positive, innovative leader.

My PPE Mentor can help me refine my vision in hacking leadership thereby becoming more than someone that manages the day to day affairs at school but one that embraces being a role model and “lead learner”. According to Sanfelippo & Sinanis, an educational hacker is a tinker and fixer who models “transformative practices so that innovating becomes a norm and working with common principles becomes a collective goal for community members”. My past mentors have demonstrated that there is not a “one-size fit all” magic bullet; but a common approach to transforming schools. “No matter how good your mentors and idols are, you cannot be them…find your own voice, rhythm and style” (Randall Lindsey). My goal is to continue to evolve into a true transformational leader that can adapt new strategies to the specific needs of my school community. 

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Atmosphere Of Collaboration. (2022, Jun 28). Retrieved from