Andrew Jackson and Donald J. Trump
Let’s be honest all three presidents possessed many flaws throughout their times in office. But in all reality President Trump better replicates that of our seventh President Andrew Jackson. Some call him “The New Old Hickory” as stated on When entering the Oval Office, aside from the breathtaking beauty of the room itself, one of the eye catching pictures found is that of Andrew Jackson besides the president’s desk. Both men who played significant roles in US history are very like minded, stubborn, men who were clear unfit for office.
But to prove historical norms wrong, they were determined to be loyal to the nation and their advisors–arising to the highest power. One particular word always stand out when reading about these men and it is that of a populist. This would be defined as an individual that strives to appeal the the general people, who certainly feel that their voices are not heard. These presidents fall under the category of populists, with a goal to help voice those opinions of the people who feel that their concerns are disregarded.
President Trump, our current president, and Andrew Jackson, our past president, are both men of high honor. They can both be summarized by three characteristics, stubborn, hard-headed, and smart. I believe that what Mr. Trump has done for our country in just this past four years has been a lot more than in past years. I also believe that what Andrew Jackson did many good things for our country, some that are marked by blood and tears of the native americans. Some of the things that they say might be hurtful and mean but thats what makes a good president. It’s not about trying to keep all people happy, it’s about making an economic upturn and making good changes to our social system. They are both sometimes too stubborn for their own good but being a strong headed political leader in a country like the United States is perfectly balanced. They never can gain too much power because of checks and balances, but have enough power in their voice to make americans want to get up and do something. You can compare and contrast the two men all day but in the end, in my opinion, they have more similarities than differences. Andrew Jackson worked to destroy the national bank that was corrupt and and functional at the time. Trump is working to build a wall, that is a very big project, to get a handle on our broken immigration laws and set things straight for the american citizens. Those two projects that these presidents worked on sound pretty similar. They both want what’s best for the american people and will go to irreversible lengths to do such things. They don’t care what other political party think of them and don’t want to acknowledge them.
In conclusion it is very clear as to who our current 45 President Donald J. Trump best parallels. Through the eyes of the history books and the eyes of the people Andrew Jackson and trump would be as I call it, brothers from other mothers due to the very simple fact that these two presidents have possessed many of the same things. From personal attitudes and ways of living to some of the same political view in office. But in reality there will be several people who feel that he better parallels Andrew Johnson as some hope that one day he will be impeached. All actuality is is up to one’s self to comparatively decide which Andrew is the most parallel to Trump. There will always be the good, the bad and the ugly in all political aspects of life, yet the most good comes out of the parallel lifestyles of two great men who have lead our country through thick and thin.
Andrew Jackson and Donald J. Trump. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from