An Introduction to the Creative Essay on the Topic of Stealing Cars

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“Hey, remember that time when I stole my brother’s car to go to that party?” Marco told Andy. “Yes, and you got so scared that you took off without me. I had to walk to that party,” Andy said to Marco. “Hey man, at least you made it to that party. You got so drunk that you threw up in my brother’s car,” Marco said, laughing. “Yeah,” Andy responded. “Good times, good times,” Marco added with relief. “You ready?” Marco asked.

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“Yeah, let me get the clock real quick,” Andy clarified. “Hey, I think I should take you to the hospital,” Marco asserted, but was quickly cut off by Andy telling him, “Nah man, the cancer hasn’t killed me yet. I built this car and I want to see it race.” Andy had cancer and was slowly dying. Andy and Marco were best friends about to establish a racing record they had never achieved before. Little did they know the course would lead them into an unfamiliar scene. “Alright man, strap in,” Marco instructed Andy. Andy peered out the window and saw an old man living in a tent not too far from the car. Andy had just finished getting a new car ready to race. “Yeah man, I’m strapped in.” Marco called out, “Alright man, here we go, I’m gonna set this new record for you!” Off they sped, accelerating from zero to sixty in seconds. “WHOAH! What did you do to this? YEAH!” Marco excitedly exclaimed as they made the first turn in the course. They were aiming to set a new record with Andy’s new car. “WHOAH!” Andy echoed. “Hey, get ready for the drift man!” Marco alerted. They made a sharp turn while driving about eighty miles per hour. “HOLD ON! We’re almost there!” Marco affirmed while handling the turn. “Alright, we’re almost there.” They only needed to do one lap around the course. They were rapidly approaching the finish line. “I think you’re gonna make it, Marco!” Andy voiced. They passed the finish line then suddenly the tires blew out from under them. They shot across the finish line. “AHH! Hold on, Andy!” Marco cried, slamming on the brakes. The car skidded across the course before starting to turn wildly. Andy braced himself in terror. Suddenly, Andy saw a bright light. The car crashed.

The light blurred into a flashlight and a paramedic asked Andy, “Are you okay?” “Yeah… I think?” responded Andy. “Where’s Marco?” Andy was in the back of an ambulance on his way to the hospital. “The guy who was driving?” clarified the paramedic. “He wasn’t so lucky. He broke his neck in the crash.” Andy paused for a moment. “If it makes it any better, he most likely didn’t feel any pain,” the paramedic told Andy. “NO, it doesn’t make it any better! It should have been me; I’m the one dying,” Andy challenged. “I’m not a doctor or anything, but from my point of view, I’d say you don’t have a terminal illness,” the paramedic informed Andy.

After a day of the accident, Andy went to the crash site where Marco died. “Hey, what happened to the course?” The course was empty, and there was nothing there – just a big, locked empty lot. “I saw you here last night. You saw the race. What happened to the course?” Andy asked the guy living in the tent. “I didn’t see no race last night,” the guy responded. “You got a buck so I can get something to eat?” Andy dug in his pocket and pulled out a few bucks, some change, and gave it to the old man. “Thanks,” the old man told Andy. As Andy was about to take off, he saw Marco’s car that he had fixed up. “Marco? Nah, it can’t be, are you still alive?” Andy thought to himself. All of a sudden, he saw the car just take off.

Andy went to Marco’s brother’s body shop where he worked and fixed up cars. As he was about to cross a street to get to the shop, Andy saw Marco’s brother’s car. It passed by him very slowly. “Hey, remember that time when I stole my brother’s car to go to that party?” Andy heard Marco tell him as he remembered a conversation he had with Marco a few months ago. “Yeah, you got scared, left me, and I had to walk to that party, man,” Andy answered Marco. The car now had just passed him and went down the road. “Marco? It can’t be,” Andy told himself with confusion. Andy jogged across the street to enter Carlos’ shop. “Hey, what’s up man?” Carlos said. “Hey, I heard you just beat that cancer you had. Congratulations,” Carlos told Andy. “Yeah, thanks. Hey, was that Marco in your car just now?” Andy asked. “What are you talking about, Andy?” Carlos responded. “I don’t know man, I’m kind of confused right now,” Andy told Carlos. “Alright man, so what have you been up to? Hey, guess what, just got this new car, wanna fix it up with me?” Carlos had asked. “I don’t know,” Andy responded. “Hey, I’ve been wondering…is Marco really dead?” Andy asked again. “What do you mean? Andy, you were there. You know what happened,” Carlos told Andy. “Yeah, but I keep seeing him now, and then like just now! I saw him just leave with your car,” Andy said. “Man, is he alive or not?!” Andy asked strongly. Andy ran outside to see Carlos’ car. There it was. He felt the hood of the car. “It’s still cold,” He told himself. Carlos ran outside to get Andy. “Hey, Andy, what’s wrong with you?” Carlos asked. “How do you deal with it?!” Andy shouted out. “What?” Carlos said. “Your brother’s dead and you’re just walking around still fixing your car and not even thinking about him.” Andy explained. “Hey, death is just another part of life. It will come eventually,” Carlos tried to explain to Andy. “Man, whatever!” Andy

Later on that night, Andy went to a party. As he walked in the front door, he started to greet everyone he knew. He went to the end of the house where the party was and saw his sister with another guy. Marco and Andy’s sister, Rebecca, were a couple. They really loved each other. “Hey, come here. I need to talk to you,” Andy told his sister. “What do you want?” Rebecca responded sarcastically. “Just come here!” Andy said in a shouting tone. “Hey, what’s up man. You got a problem?” the guy who Rebecca was with said to Andy. “Hey, I just want to talk to my sis. YOU got a problem?” Andy told the guy. Andy grabbed Rebecca’s arm and pulled her away from that guy so he could talk to her. “Hey, what’s wrong with you? Marco isn’t even buried yet, and already you’re messing with another guy?” Andy told his sister. “Hey, Marco is dead. I just moved on already. I think you should too,” Rebecca said. Suddenly, he heard Marco’s voice,” Hey man, chill out. Here, have a drink.” What, Andy thought to himself. He pushed his sister aside and saw Marco sitting on a couch. “Here, drink this,” Marco said, and handed Andy a full bottle of some whiskey. Andy took the bottle and drank the whole thing in a matter of seconds with no problem. Marco was surprised and laughed out loud. Andy was drunk in about a few minutes. “Marco?” Andy shouted. “Marco’s dead. Maybe you should move on already,” Andy’s sister told him. Everyone at the party started laughing at him. Andy blinked, and where Marco was, there was another guy he had never seen before. Andy ran outside half drunk. He ran to the driveway and then all of a sudden he stopped. He saw Marco’s brother’s car again. “Hey man, get in”, Marco said to Andy from the car. Andy got in the car. There in the driver seat was Marco. “You’re not real, are you?” Andy asked. “Sure am I’m here ain’t I?” Marco responded. “It’s really you.” Andy said. “Yeah,” Marco told Andy. Andy laughed with delight, and then all of a sudden he started throwing up in the car. “WHOA MAN! Carlos is gonna make you eat that”, Marco said as he was laughing at Andy. Andy pulled his head back laughing with him and turned to talk to Marco, but Marco was gone. He had vanished. Andy was confused, then he got out of the car and went home.

Andy woke up the next day and went downstairs. There, he found his mom in the kitchen. “Hey, are you alright, Andy?” his mother asked. “I just need something to eat,” he told her. “Maybe you should change out those clothes, and clean yourself up,” his mom said. “I’m just really confused right now. Yesterday, I was talking to Carlos, and it was like he didn’t care about Marco. Then, I saw Rebecca with another guy and it was like she didn’t even care about Marco either,” Andy told his mom. “Maybe you should move on like the rest of us did already. We just can’t spend our lives grieving about someone’s death. Eventually, we have to move on someday,” Andy’s mom explained to Andy. “You’re just like everyone else. Does anyone care that Marco is dead!?” he told his mother. He ran outside the house and then he paused for a moment. He looked straight ahead, to see Marco sitting on his porch. “Man, don’t tell me I’m seeing you again,” Andy said to Marco. “Are you dead or not?” he asked Marco in a confused voice. “Yeah, I’m dead,” Marco told Andy. “Then why am I seeing you?” Andy asked. “I don’t know.”


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An Introduction to the Creative Essay on the Topic of Stealing Cars. (2022, Nov 14). Retrieved from