Alexander Graham Bell

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Category:Cell Phone
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“Thanks to Alexander Graham Bell, we can now simply pick up a telephone and reach someone on the other side of the world in seconds! In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell first created the telephone(Cantu, 2016). This was the beginning of an evolution of the telephone that changed the way we communicate forever. Over the years, the smartphone has been largely improved creating multiple advancements to our daily lifestyles. Yet today, teens are awake around 15 hours of the day, and 9 of those hours are being spent on their smartphones, which is causing us to lose face to face communication.

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The way cell phones have pushed their way into our everyday lives has caused a large impact on how we communicate with each other. But this loss of face to face communication has caused an uproar in teen depression. The amount of time we spend scrolling through social media and seeing what others are doing, isolates us from having real relationships with people outside of technology. On the other hand, some say that cell phones can help bring us closer together by making communication quick and efficient. Although, communicating via cell phone takes away the effect of emotion that you get by talking to someone in person. This can lead to cyberbullying which is much easier when you can hide behind a screen at home and avoid seeing how it hurts the other person.

Ever since smartphones came out, they have become a huge distraction for drivers. When you text and drive, you are not only putting your own life at risk, but also the lives of others around you. An article states that around “3,477 people died and another 391,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes caused by drivers who were distracted because they were texting or using cell phones ( “Facts & Statistics, 2018). This is especially dangerous for teens who are newer to driving and less experienced behind the wheel. Teens are the ones that most point to first when they think of texting and driving accidents because of their level of experience. However, some may argue that texting is not the only thing that can be distracting while driving. But at least the texting and driving can be prevented, replying to a text while operating a vehicle is all a choice and is not worth a life.

These devices have enhanced people’s way of life, but has unfortunately caused us to become so addicted that we can’t live without them. The new generation of kids growing up have only ever lived with cell phones, so they don’t know what life is like without them. According to Gormly (2009), “Kids are now typing as opposed to speaking, our kids are growing up in a world where the technology used to connect us is actually disconnecting us…. It’s become an addiction. However, teens and children are not the only ones that have become addicted, so have adults that use them daily for easy communication with friends and family.

Around the age of 13 was when I got my first smartphone, which all I used it for was communicating with my parents and occasionally texting friends. But now being a teenager in high school that grew up in the generation of smartphones being introduced, I would say that they have definitely become a huge part of my everyday life. Personally I am on my phone from around the moment I wake up all the way until the moment I am going to sleep. So when addiction was stated in my essay, I can say that I completely understand the way it has affected this generation, causing us to depend more on our phones than others. Smartphones are here to stay and will only advance from here, so how they affect us will be determined by how much time we choose to spend on them.

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Alexander Graham Bell. (2020, Mar 17). Retrieved from