About my own Personal Development Plan at Work

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Updated: Aug 18, 2023
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Within my work role, I have a duty to ensure I wear my PPE and maintain safety within our clientele. I also work under the guidelines of a well-documented care plan. As part of our responsibilities, we are often tasked with helping our clients achieve the best possible outcomes. While this may not always be feasible, clients must be encouraged as much as possible. Additionally, I have a responsibility to respect people’s beliefs, attitudes, and the views of individuals we support.

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All employees are responsible for the welfare of their colleagues, site visitors, and the general public and must work in a way that does not put anyone at risk. We also all have a duty of care to safeguard others whether we work with them or not, and a responsibility to report any suspicions of abuse to the relevant authorities. My work aligns with a person-centred values approach, which means I treat every individual according to their personalised care plan.

At my work, all of our policies and procedures are on the ECCHO website, which we can access at all times on our laptops. It’s important that I am familiar with these and follow them at all times. If I believe an individual is a safeguarding risk, I can contact our safeguarding team for advice and onwards support. I must adhere to the confidentiality policy and not disclose any information about individuals unless there is an appropriate reason. For health & safety, I must record any accidents on our local DATIX, which will then inform senior members of the team. Working effectively with others means being able to collaborate well with the individuals you support, your manager, your co-workers, and other health and social care professionals. The people I work with have different backgrounds, experiences, skills, and ideas, so it’s important to respect the diversity and contributions that others make.

Reflective practice can be uncomfortable as it challenges your own assumptions, but we can learn from them and adapt our behaviour accordingly. This in turn will then improve the quality of the service that is provided. Differing values, beliefs, and experiences can affect the way people feel around each other, and could lead to conflict. However, it is important to respect others’ views and not let it interfere within the workplace. I have worked with service users who have done despicable things in the past. I put that aside and give them the same care and compassion as every other service user. Upon finishing my shift, I would ask myself the following questions:

“How do I think I’ve done today?”

Was I positive?

Did I give it my all?

How did the way I work affect the individuals I’ve worked with?

How did the way I work affect my colleagues?

In what areas could I improve?

This will help me improve my personal and professional development. Receiving feedback is crucial for assessing one’s own performance. In the context of a PDP, I always inquire if the seniors have any feedback for me. Moreover, I consult my line manager during our catch-up sessions. It’s vital to solicit feedback from colleagues to understand areas where I can enhance my personal development. The main sources of support are:

Informal and formal conversations with the manager.

* Supervisions



Professional discussions.

Regular training.

Own research.

Talking with colleagues, every three months, I have a personal development plan (PDP) review with my line manager. Once a year, I have an appraisal. Within these PDP reviews, I sit down with my line manager and agree on my personal development plan. This could involve doing extra training or collaborating with different staff members. Enrolling in various courses and taking part in supervisions has enabled me to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to develop to a desired level and to take on greater responsibility within the team. I’ve completed reflective practices in order to reflect on and review my ways of working.

When writing and reviewing these, I can reflect on the way I have dealt with different situations. I can then think about how I could have handled things differently and managed the situation more effectively. It prompts me to think and strive for improvement next time. Continuing professional development is crucial to ensure that I progress in my career. I need to have objectives to aspire towards, as well as various trainings to attend. It’s important to review professional development regularly to guarantee these objectives are being met, and that appropriate time is allocated for me to achieve them.

Record progress in relation to personal development – Since starting with East Coast, I have received more training than I did at my previous job. I now conduct observations, BMs, and basic wound care. I have also started my NVQ Level 3 Clinical Support Worker course, having only come to the company with a Level 2. I hope to progress in other training once I finish my Level 3.

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About My Own Personal Development Plan At Work. (2022, Aug 20). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/about-my-own-personal-development-plan-at-work/