Personal Development Plan is very Important

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Updated: Aug 18, 2023
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Identify sources of support for your own learning and development.

Sources of support for my learning and development include attending all my study days and getting help to finish my apprenticeship program on time. Also, attending all my trainings to stay up-to-date with my role is very important. I can also get support from my mentor, team meetings, conversations with my colleagues, research, appraisals, supervisions, and observations with my mentor or manager.

Describe the process for agreeing on a personal development plan and who should be involved.

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A personal development plan is very important in a healthcare role because it is necessary to learn new skills, update my existing skills, improve communication, efficiency, and understanding.

A personal development plan is a way to understand my learning needs and improve my skills in my role. Writing down the personal development plan should start with identifying my strengths and weaknesses. It must involve both my manager and myself to determine my learning needs. Then I must establish SMART targets concerning my development, and look forward to my short, medium, and long-term goals, as well as my career pathway.

Explain why feedback from others is important in helping to develop and improve the way one works.

Feedback can improve the way I work, clarify things I don’t understand, and help me build my confidence, communication, and understanding. I can get feedback from my colleagues, patients, and managers. Bad feedback is good for me to learn from my mistakes and understand where I went wrong, so I can avoid repeating the same mistake next time. Also, with the apprenticeship program, I had a 12-week review with Steadfast Training to ascertain where I currently stand and if I need extra support. I also had review sessions with my mentor at one, three, and six months, where we set up SMART targets for the next review.

Explain how to check one’s current level of literacy, numeracy, and communication skills.

I can assess my communication skills by how I interact with my colleagues, patients, and visitors. Literacy skills can be discerned when I am reading and writing notes in a care plan, writing risk assessments, reading and writing emails, and making myself understood by others. Numeracy can be exemplified by filling out forms, such as the fluid balance chart and observations, making Actichlor solution in the morning, or being able to calculate how much milk a baby needs for a feed.

Also, I can check my functional skills online.

How do you respond to comments and complaints?

Having a comments and complaints procedure is essential in a healthcare setting to be aware of our duties. I must treat all comments and complaints seriously, remaining positive and displaying a happy demeanor in the face of feedback, even if it is negative. It is best to discuss comments or complaints in a private room if they are made face-to-face. I must pay attention to body language, tone of voice, remain polite and professional, using the right words. I am obligated to offer support and, if necessary, reassure individuals that they will be taken seriously and that an investigation will be conducted. Furthermore, I need to inform my manager and complete a form. If I am not sure about anything, I can always ask for help from a senior sister or colleagues.

Comments and complaints will help improve ways of working and make things better.

Describe how a learning activity has improved your own knowledge, skills, and understanding.

Learning activities are important for a healthcare worker because skills and knowledge can be improved by such important actions as formal training, meetings with colleagues and managers, research, and practice.

When a new admission comes to the neonatal ward, it provides more knowledge and understanding of what the nurses do and how I can assist in a rushed and busy situation. I assist the nurse with everything she needs for the baby by getting stock, equipment, and writing notes— including the time, date, and place of birth, gestation, and reason for admission. Doing this gives me more knowledge and understanding of communicating effectively with my colleagues and accurately documenting notes.

Describe how reflecting on a situation has improved your own knowledge, skills, and understanding.

Reflecting on a situation is a good way to improve my skills and practice. Reflecting on situations where I have made mistakes has helped me to do my job correctly. My colleagues have told me when I’ve done something wrong, such as forgetting to stock up the IV trolleys with all the supplies they need. This could cause a mistake or a delay in care if a nurse isn’t able to find what they need quickly. Their feedback has helped me understand the importance of maintaining correct stock levels and knowing where items can be found.

Describe how feedback from others has developed your own knowledge, skills, and understanding.

When an admission comes to the neonatal ward, it gives me more knowledge and understanding of what the nurses do and how I can assist them in this situation. I will assist the nurse with whatever she needs for the baby, which can be by getting stock, equipment, and writing the notes with the time, date, and place of birth, gestation, weight, and reason for admission. Constructive feedback will improve my practice, so it is important for me to listen to what my colleagues say about my work, reflect on it, and improve.

List the learning opportunities available to them, and how they can use them to improve the way they work.

Supervision and Appraisals with Mentor.

Apprenticeship Workshops.

Functional skills.

Training sessions

Working with nurses and asking them questions.

Knowledge Center.

· Reviews

Explain why continuing professional development is important.

Professional development is important as legislation does change over time. Development will help me in my work, because there will always be something to improve or things I could do better. Attending training and apprenticeship workshops will support my career pathway and provide the best care, minimizing the space for mistakes.

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Personal Development Plan Is Very Important. (2022, Aug 20). Retrieved from