The Permissibility of Abortion: an Ethical Examination

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Abortion remains one of the most contentious issues in contemporary discourse, intersecting moral, legal, and social dimensions. Various ethical frameworks provide different lenses through which to view the permissibility of abortion, often leading to polarized opinions. However, through a thorough examination of these frameworks, alongside real-world implications and scenarios, I contend that abortion is morally permissible, particularly up to 23 weeks or when the fetus is not viable outside the womb. This position is informed by considerations of individual autonomy, fetal development, and the safeguarding of maternal health and social welfare.

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Ethical Justifications for Abortion

A key argument for the permissibility of abortion arises when considering cases of rape or incest. In such scenarios, the pregnant individual did not exercise a choice in becoming pregnant, thereby imposing a significant ethical burden to carry the pregnancy to term. The violation of autonomy and bodily integrity during these crimes warrants the option of abortion as a means of mitigating further trauma. As articulated by the Catholic Archbishops of Great Britain, victims are entitled to defend themselves from the ongoing consequences of such violations, including the potential for conception (Catholic Archbishops of Great Britain, 1980). Thus, abortion in these contexts acts as a restorative measure, allowing the individual to reclaim agency over their body and future.

Furthermore, the capacity of young mothers to provide adequate care and resources for a child is a significant consideration. Teen pregnancies often result in socio-economic challenges that can adversely affect both the mother and the child. If a young mother perceives herself as unprepared or unable to provide a stable environment, the ethical justification for abortion is rooted in the principle of minimizing harm. This aligns with the broader argument for reproductive autonomy, where decisions about one's body and future should reside with the individual most directly impacted.

Fetal Development and Ethical Implications

In assessing the moral status of the fetus, it is crucial to understand fetal development. The scientific consensus, as highlighted by Kuhse and Singer (2013), indicates that embryos and early-stage fetuses are not autonomous beings but rather dependent on the gestating individual for survival. Within the first 23 weeks, the fetus lacks the neurological structures necessary for pain perception, as noted by Britain’s Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (Wisniewski, 2011). This biological perspective supports the ethical argument that abortion during this period does not equate to the termination of a sentient human life. The landmark case of Roe v. Wade underscores this distinction by clarifying that the legal definition of "personhood" does not extend to the unborn (Roe v. Wade: US Supreme Court, 1973).

Safeguarding Maternal Health

The safety and well-being of the pregnant individual are paramount considerations in the abortion debate. Historically, restrictive abortion laws have driven individuals toward unsafe, clandestine procedures, resulting in severe health complications or fatalities (Morrison, 2014). Legal access to professional abortion services ensures the provision of comprehensive healthcare, including pre-abortion counseling and post-abortion care, significantly reducing health risks. This approach not only protects physical health but also supports mental and emotional well-being, acknowledging the complex and often distressing circumstances surrounding the decision to terminate a pregnancy.


In conclusion, the permissibility of abortion is ethically justifiable when considering autonomy, fetal development, and maternal health. The decision to terminate a pregnancy, particularly in cases of crime, youth, or socio-economic hardship, reflects a nuanced understanding of individual rights and societal responsibilities. Ensuring access to safe and legal abortion services is a critical component of respecting human dignity and autonomy. As societal attitudes and scientific insights evolve, it is imperative to maintain a compassionate and informed dialogue around abortion, recognizing the diverse experiences and ethical considerations that shape this complex issue.

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The Permissibility of Abortion: An Ethical Examination. (2023, Jun 14). Retrieved from