Challenges and Opportunities in the Foster Care System
Foster care is a temporary living arrangement orchestrated by the state for children whose original homes are deemed unfit by child protective services or court-appointed judges. This system, while designed to offer protection, inevitably influences the child's current and future opportunities. Children are often placed in foster care due to risks of maltreatment, including neglect, as well as physical and sexual abuse.
In the United States, the foster care system encompasses over 438,000 children. Statistics indicate that 6 out of every 1,000 children will experience foster care at some point.
The gender distribution is nearly equal, with 52% male and 48% female, highlighting the persistent and growing need for foster parents.
Types of Foster Care
Various types of foster care exist, including kinship care, group homes, standard foster care, and direct adoption. The decision regarding a child's placement is contingent on several factors, including the child's mental state, age, and the presence of siblings. Kinship care, which accounts for 23% of youth placements, involves a relative or close family friend stepping in as the caregiver. This option allows children to maintain familiar surroundings, which can be pivotal for their emotional stability and continuity in education.
Group homes serve as institutional placements for multiple children and are managed by state-trained workers or former social workers. These facilities vary in size, typically housing between 10 to 20 children, though some larger homes accommodate 40 to 50 children. While group homes offer structured environments, they lack the familial warmth of individual foster homes.
Most children in the foster care system find themselves in foster homes, distinct from group homes and kinship care due to the unfamiliarity of the family and the absence of a large peer group setting. A foster home generally hosts one child at a time, offering personalized care, medical services, counseling, and a private bedroom. Annually, about 52,900 children are adopted from foster care, yet many remain in the system for years awaiting adoption.
Adoption can also occur directly from the system, bypassing the fostering phase, especially in cases involving newborns whose mothers are unable or unwilling to care for them. However, direct adoption is less common for children older than five years.
Becoming a Foster Parent
To become a foster parent, individuals must be over 21 years old, complete state-mandated classes, and acquire a license. Recommendations from both family and non-family members are required, alongside a valid driver's license, clean DMV record, and a successful criminal background check. A state caseworker will then assess the prospective foster home for safety and comfort, ensuring essential amenities such as a bed, stove, and functioning toilet are present.
Once approved, foster parents receive monthly financial support to cover the child's needs, including food, clothing, school supplies, personal expenses, and medication. However, this assistance, such as the approximate $400 monthly support in Texas, often falls short of covering all expenses, leaving foster parents to manage additional costs.
Systemic Challenges in Foster Care
Despite its intentions, the foster care system is riddled with challenges, including separation of siblings, prolonged placements, and insufficient support for those aging out of the system. Sibling groups, particularly those with three or more children, are frequently divided due to a lack of accommodating families, exacerbating the emotional trauma of family separation.
While the initial expectation is for children to remain in foster care for at least nine months, the average duration has ballooned to two years, with some children spending their entire childhood in the system. This extended stay often results in young adults aging out of care at 18 without a permanent home or support network, increasing their susceptibility to educational setbacks, unemployment, homelessness, and incarceration. In 2016, more than 20,000 young adults aged out of the system, with many facing uncertain futures.
Approximately 12% of foster children reside in group homes, which can offer benefits like round-the-clock supervision for children with behavioral challenges. However, group homes lack the intimacy of family life, often functioning more like institutional settings.
The Impact on Foster Children
Foster care profoundly affects children, who must adapt to constant changes in environment and relationships. The system's transient nature can be destabilizing, making it crucial for children to articulate their needs and feelings to receive appropriate care. Many foster children, particularly those with traumatic pasts, are at heightened risk for conditions like PTSD, which can manifest as violent outbursts. In such cases, group homes provide the necessary supervision and care.
Efforts exist within larger hospitals to offer counseling and facilitate adoptions, although a child's history can impede the process, as prospective parents may hesitate to adopt children perceived as aggressive.
Foster children often remain overlooked in society, with systemic flaws going unaddressed. This essay aims to shed light on these issues, advocating for awareness and reform. As Joann Harrison suggests in "Making History," family disruption is a profound issue requiring children, regardless of age, to reconcile their emotions. Although foster care is intended as a temporary solution, the system must evolve to better prepare children for life beyond its confines.

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Challenges and Opportunities in the Foster Care System. (2019, Mar 11). Retrieved from