Your Favorite Fast Food Restaurant

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Updated: May 03, 2022
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This paper will be about an operational audit of Chick-fil-A. Chick-fil-A is an American restaurant headquartered in College Park, GA. It counts as one of the largest fast-food restaurants in the U.S. While I’m doing this process “Operational Audit”, I found that Chick-fil-A restaurant is running with high standards and performances. Also, this restaurant has high rates on most websites. I believe that this restaurant cares a lot about their customers, and the staff of this restaurant makes the customers satisfied and make them willing to visit the restaurant again.

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Also, this restaurant follows and relies upon effective and efficient ways. For this operational audit, I visited Chick-fil-A restaurant located at 2360 N Fairfield Rd, Beavercreek, Ohio.

I went there and I collected some of the procedures and I will be mentioning some of my notices. As the table shows above, most of the procedures met my expectation and I was satisfied with them. However, there were some procedures that I believe would make the restaurant better, and they would develop them if they find effective solutions for them. In addition, I will give some suggestions for these procedures that didn’t meet my expectations. I believe that we as people like and love some restaurants, but we might not be 100% satisfied with them. In my opinion, Chick-fil-A is one of these restaurants.

• Statement of Objective. There are many objectives for this operational audit. However, the most important one is to see whether the customers are satisfied with the restaurant or not. I believe that it’s very important for Chick-Fil-A to keep their high standards and performances, and try to increase them. Even though it’s too hard for a fast food restaurant to run with high standards and performances, Chick-Fil-A does that well. I mentioned that it’s too hard for a fast food restaurant to run with high standards and performances because I believe that the customers of these restaurants want to have the food as quick as possible and as cheap as possible. On the other hand, these restaurants need to keep their good work and cheap prices compared with the food they provide to keep their customers. In the table shown above, we can see how this restaurant runs and whether the customers are satisfied or not. Of course, my opinion might be different from others’ opinions or the management people’s opinions, but at least these points might benefit the restaurant in some ways.

• Scope of the Audit. This operational audit was done at the Chick-Fil-A restaurant located at 2360 N Fairfield Rd, Beavercreek, Ohio, 45431. I went there on Monday, May 14, 2018. I went there around 3 pm. When I went there to do this operational Audit, I ordered a Chick-fil-A Chicken Deluxe Sandwich with fries and a coke. I paid for this meal approximately $9.

• Background Information. The Chick-fil-A restaurant is one of the most successful fast-food restaurants in the U.S. In 2017, the revenue of Chick-fil-A restaurants exceeded $9 Billion. Chick-fil-A has more than 2,000 restaurants in different locations. This restaurant operates only in the U.S until 2014 when it opened in Canada as the first restaurant outside the U.S. According to the on Sunday’s. This restaurant serves only Chicken products. They don’t provide any red meat production. They have a funny advertisement in which is a cow holding a small board and this board says “eat more chicken”. Moreover, I’ve noticed that Chick-fil-A relies on funny advertisements. Honestly, I believe that this is a really smart idea that makes customers read and pay attention to those advertisements.

• Finding. Overall, I enjoyed the experience when I visited Chick-fil-A to write this operational audit. I chose this restaurant because it’s my favorite fast-food restaurant. Moreover, as I mentioned earlier, Chick-fil-A runs with high quality and performances. I believe that it will meet the people’s expectations. It runs with high standards and cheap prices. in my opinion, even if the company decides to increase the prices, they won’t lose a lot of customers. As the table shows above, I was satisfied with most of the procedures. However, there were some procedures that I didn’t like. One of these procedures is the location of the restaurant. This restaurant is located close to the Fairfield Mall. I didn’t like the location because there is another Chick-fil-A- A restaurant in the mall. That means there are two close to each other. Now, this might be fine with other restaurants such as McDonald’s or Subway because we see them everywhere.

At the same time, there is no Chick-fill-A near the Wright State University. Some students and staff at Wright State University don’t have a car, which will hard for them to reach the restaurant. My suggestion is that they should build a new one near to the university, and I believe that they will generate profits. The second procedure that I didn’t like was the options on the menu. Even though they provide such great food, they don’t have a lot of choices. Some people like to eat regular chicken. In the fact, Chick-fil-A provides only boneless chicken or chicken burgers. In my opinion, they should provide this kind of meal, and I believe that by providing this option, it will be a very successful decision. Also, they should provide both spicy and regular. The last procedure that I didn’t like was the opening hours. Like most the fast-food restaurants in the U.S, each locaChcik-fil-A’s website, Chick-fil-A restaurant was founded by S. Truett Cathy in 1946. Cathy and his brother, Ben opened the first restaurant in Atlanta. The restaurant’s name at the beginning was “The Dwarf Grill”. In fact, after a while, they renamed the restaurant “The Dwarf House”. The restaurant was very successful and this thing made Cathy want to go further and generate more profits. In 1967, Cathy redesign the restaurant and he renamed the restaurant “Chick-fil-A”. The first restaurant of the new design was in a shopping center in Atlanta, GA. (Chick-fill-A’s website). It’s important to mention that this restaurant counts as a religious restaurant. They don’t open on Sundays. This restaurant serves only Chicken products. They don’t provide any red meat production. They have a funny advertisement in which is a cow holds a small board and this board says “eat more chicken”. Moreover, I’ve noticed that Chick-fil-A relies on funny advertisements. Honestly, I believe that this is a really smart idea that makes customers read and pay attention to those advertisements.

• Finding. Overall, I enjoyed the experience when I visited Chick-fil-A to write this operational audit. I chose this restaurant because it’s my favorite fast-food restaurant. Moreover, as I mentioned earlier, Chick-fil-A runs with high quality and performances. I believe that it will meet the people’s expectations. It runs with high standards and cheap prices. in my opinion, even if the company decides to increase the prices, they won’t lose a lot of customers. As the table shows above, I was satisfied with most of the procedures. However, there were some procedures that I didn’t like.

One of these procedures is the location of the restaurant. This restaurant is located close to the Fairfield Mall. I didn’t like the location because there is another Chick-fil-A- A restaurant in the mall. That means there are two close to each other. Now, this might be fine with other restaurants such as McDonald’s or Subway because we see them everywhere. At the same time, there is no Chick-fill-A near the Wright State University. Some students and staff at Wright State University don’t have a car, which will hard for them to reach the restaurant. My suggestion is that they should build a new one near to the university, and I believe that they will generate profits. The second procedure that I didn’t like was the options on the menu. Even though they provide such great food, they don’t have a lot of choices. Some people like to eat regular chicken. In the fact, Chick-fil-A provides only boneless chicken or chicken burgers. In my opinion, they should provide this kind of meal, and I believe that by providing this option, it will be a very successful decision. Also, they should provide both spicy and regular. The last procedure that I didn’t like was the opening hours. As with most fast-food restaurants in the U.S, each location has different working hours. 

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Your Favorite Fast Food Restaurant. (2022, May 03). Retrieved from