YETI’s Military Discount: a Gesture of Gratitude and Smart Business

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When one thinks of rugged outdoor equipment that stands the test of time and nature’s elements, YETI often comes to mind. Founded in 2006, the company has rapidly ascended to the top echelons of outdoor brands, particularly for its durable coolers, drinkware, and related accessories. However, beyond their commitment to product quality, YETI has also demonstrated a dedicated engagement with certain communities, particularly the military. One of the ways they manifest this engagement is through their military discount, which serves as both a gesture of gratitude towards servicemen and women, as well as a savvy business strategy.

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The military, by its very nature, is a community that places immense emphasis on resilience, durability, and reliability – values that YETI products resonate with. For servicemen and women who often find themselves in challenging environments, having equipment that won’t let them down is imperative. YETI’s military discount, which offers a percentage off their purchase to active and retired military members, is an acknowledgment of this alignment in values. This discount is not just a business incentive but signifies a mutual respect between the brand and the armed forces. After all, if there’s any group that would appreciate a cooler that can withstand rough handling or a tumbler that keeps their drink cold or hot for hours on end, it’s those in the military.

However, while the ethical reasons for offering such discounts are clear, there’s also an undeniable business benefit. Military discounts can enhance brand loyalty. The military community, both active and retired, is vast. By offering them special discounts, companies like YETI not only increase their immediate sales but also foster a sense of loyalty among a significant customer base. It’s a smart move for any business, but particularly for a brand like YETI whose products align so well with military needs and lifestyles.

Moreover, word-of-mouth is potent within the military community. When products are tried and tested, and further accompanied by the goodwill of discounts, they’re more likely to be recommended. For YETI, this means their products are not only getting into the hands of military members but also being actively discussed and endorsed within the community. And in today’s age of digital communication, such endorsements aren’t limited to offline, face-to-face interactions. Online forums, social media groups, and other platforms dedicated to military discussions become spaces where brands like YETI can be positively discussed.

In conclusion, YETI’s military discount is a brilliant amalgamation of business strategy and genuine appreciation. It recognizes the sacrifices and challenges faced by servicemen and women, offering them products that can genuinely enhance their outdoor experiences. At the same time, it strengthens YETI’s foothold in a significant and influential community. In the complex dance of business decisions, where profit motives often overshadow ethical considerations, YETI’s military discount stands out as a move that is both heartwarming and head-smart.

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YETI's Military Discount: A Gesture of Gratitude and Smart Business. (2023, Oct 16). Retrieved from