World Health Organization Described COVID-19 as a World War Z

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Updated: Mar 27, 2023
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Category:Health Care
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The worldwide pandemic occurrence of the Novel Corona Virus or COVID-19 has taken the world and slowed down our economic industry; the vacation and tourism industry has been the most affected of all main economic sectors because of many lockdowns. Besides a background of heightened improbability, current and reliable info is the more important thing to keep updated in this pandemic situation. Facing this unseen battle and unexpected challenges caused by this pandemic is an important lesson for people all over the world.

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The world health organization described this pandemic as a world war z. As of now, there are over millions of confirmed cases of COVID-19 all over the world, and it is still increasing. According to authorized reports, US and Europe take the most number of confirmed cases.

Many countries have strictly stated preventive measures, such as lockdowns, accommodation in place, or stay-at-home policy and social distancing, to hold and control and manage the spread of this pandemic at a local level. Equally, the opposing reactions and response timelines and the increasing numbers that may carry this virus have led many people to ask if authorities miscarried to take this situation seriously early on when they might have completed more to slow down the blowout of the virus.

Because of this unseen battle that we are facing now, many countries have exactly decided to close schools, colleges, and universities. This crisis develops the online method or the home study for the student. This online lesson is not applicable to all students because not all students have an Internet connection in their house, and also, an online lesson will become difficult to understand because you don’t have a personal interaction with your professor. The short-period interference is experienced by many families all over the world: homeschooling is not only a huge shock to parents’ efficiency but also to children’s common life and learning. Student assessments are also moving online, and it is hard for many students to comply many evaluations have basically been cancelled.

Significantly, this crisis will not just be a short-term matter; at the same time, it may have long-term penalties for the affected students. This pandemic is also impacting everyone’s life, some more extremely than others, especially the homeless family. For some families, it could mean making profound changes in everyday practices due to financial problems. For other families, it could lead to raised anxiety in children, stiffness in parenting relationships, or common fear, but in another perspective, this lockdown had resulted in a positive result in other families they have time for each other, unlike before when they had their own world, and also they have bonded to each other, and every member of the family create a strong bond together. Finding the “new normal” can be a big challenge as schools, collage, and universities are closed with an end to this phase still unknown.

Because of this crisis brought on by the covid-19 virus, I have had a lot of realizations in life, First learned how to be a better citizen because we are facing an unseen battle. We need to cooperate with our government officials, Learn to follow the guidelines of the stay-at-home policy because it is the best way to help our front liners; I learn how to be selfless because, in this time, we need to fight as one. During thing pandemic, our mother earth I healing itself, and a lot of new heroes in this new generation have been produced, and because of this pandemic, we have learned how to become happy and appreciate simple things in life.

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World Health Organization Described COVID-19 as a World War Z. (2023, Mar 27). Retrieved from