My Journey from Childhood Dream to Doctoral Studies

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Scientists are the lighthouse of discovery in the quest for knowledge. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a scientist, and I was fascinated by the orderly and logical development and its insistence on the verifiability of any claims made. My long-term goal is to see myself as a scientist in research and development organizations, and I believe that doctoral studies are the cornerstone of my goal.

My passion led me to pursue science in High school, and the seeds of an excellent education were sown here.

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The ultimate satisfaction of serving humanity and the revolutionary developments in the field of pharmaceutical research served as driving forces for opting for a Bachelor of Pharmacy for my undergraduate program. This program helped me acquire sound knowledge in core areas such as Pharmacology, Biotechnology, Anatomy & Physiology, Medicinal Chemistry, and Pharmaceutics. In order to further explore my interests in Pharmaceutical sciences, I decided to pursue a master’s program after the successful completion of my bachelor’s course. For my master’s program [Masters in Science in Pharmaceuticals (M.S. (Pharm.))], I secured a position at the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER), S.A.S. Nagar, a premier pharmaceutical institute in India. Here, I chose to study ‘Regulatory Toxicology’ as a specialization because it offers a copious scope in the field of drug discovery & development as the process depends on the toxicity profile of the molecule.

The M.S. (Pharm.) program coursework included a variety of basic, advanced, and interdisciplinary subjects such as Molecular Toxicology, Target organ Toxicity, Pharmacology, Bio-pharmaceutics, Bioethics, and Biostatistics. During my master’s dissertation, I developed a strong inclination to pursue doctoral studies in pharmaceutical sciences to attain a better understanding of molecular, biochemical, and cellular mechanisms of diseases caused by exposure to chemical or physical substances, and the risks associated with specific toxicities. I believe that pharmaceutical science provides the excitement of research while contributing to the well-being of public health and the environment. Moreover, since pharmaceutical research uses the most advanced techniques in pharmacology, molecular biology, analytical chemistry, and biomedical sciences, I believe that while pursuing a Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences, I will have the opportunity to gain exposure to various interdisciplinary fields.

Given my previous research experience and sound theoretical background in pharmaceutical sciences, I strongly believe that I would accomplish my future studies by exploring various dimensions in this field. My goal is to learn more about the scientific basis and professional knowledge in the field of pharmaceutical sciences and to refurbish existing concepts and traditional modes of thinking. I strongly believe that quality education, superior research facilities, and a fostering academic environment will help me mold myself into a competitive scientist with significant achievements in the future. I plan to immerse myself in academic activities to explore new perspectives and achieve some innovative scientific results. I expect that the research-intensive Ph.D. training will equip me well for a career in pharmaceutical research.

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My Journey from Childhood Dream to Doctoral Studies. (2023, Mar 27). Retrieved from