Why do i Want to be a Delta Sigma Theta

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For many young African American women, joining a Greek-letter sorority can be an almost magical and life-altering experience. The oldest and most established of these organizations can be life-changing in more ways than one. This organization was founded on January 13, 1913, by 22 visionary young ladies on the campus of a premier institution of higher learning. These young women decided to chart their own course in the study of Greek principles and ideals, both personal and social. The organization evolved, using as its compass the established values of sisterhood, scholarship, and service, and the cycle of growth has continued for more than 92 years.

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The mission is to promote academic excellence, to provide scholarship and support to students, and to provide self-help and support programs to benefit females, primarily African American, in the community and surrounding areas. The mission must be ongoing, ever-relevant, and the preserver of the value of the African American experience. One can argue that the essence cannot be taught in a school, but must be lived through the hearts and minds of women who know and exude the spirit and strength of the organization's founders. While all women are unique and serve as vessels, some are especially chosen to represent the organization to the masses because of their gifts or talents; the mantra should never be far from our minds or misused.

The organization must be accredited as such because women who pledge complete a journey that begins far before being extended an invitation to membership by the influential ladies of a specific chapter. Women initiate into a sisterhood whose ideals and principles existed long before January 13, 1913, and will endure for a longer time after we are history. Women and those who have journeyed extensively seek to understand why our hearts have been drawn here. Therefore, it is an assertion that one cannot understand the heaviness, the depth, or the intensity of the yoke unless she understands the state of paused pilgrimage which distinguishes a woman apart from all others. This series is designed to impart the journey through diversity and selections inherently required by the rigorous process of private exploration as expressed from some of the daughters. The ladies extensively interviewed are members of a specific chapter. Since chapter members genuinely believe that our sisterhood is well-polished and uniquely referred to by each living fiber of our being, this series delves into high and low experiences with joining a well-known Greek-letter organization for ladies, the incidence of such gatherings internationally and here in the United States by prospective members of the organization. Sixty-two women then awaited an invitation to join a sorority that did not pre-exist what they eagerly sought. The roots are too deep to grasp because it is quite probably the original embodiment of sorority activities practiced today in myriad formats. Seventeen women received invitations to join their pledged sororities, including those who were invited to join. As the global experience highlights, the organization is both national and contains regional and local or city-state units. Its presence rejuvenates communities and individuals, and the fortunate women are known for their achievements, boldness, confidence, and love for one another. To understand how the organization witnesses that love, one should first acknowledge from whence we came by uncovering in their own hearts motives for joining.

The History and Values of Delta Sigma Theta

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was founded on January 13, 1913, at Howard University by twenty-two collegiate women. These women sought to use their collective strength to promote academic excellence and provide assistance to those in need. Delta Sigma Theta was incorporated in 1930 and moved its Central Office to Washington, D.C. in 1954. The organization was founded to exemplify sisterhood, scholarship, and service. The history of the founders of Delta Sigma Theta is unique. They were members of the only African American women's sorority at the time, except for Zeta Phi Beta, so they founded this organization during a time in American history when race relations were at an all-time low. The United States was still majority controlled by a few white families, especially in the deep South, who continually opposed civil rights and integration. Many people opposed the existence of Black individuals, and that of course included women of a different race. Therefore, the founders of Delta Sigma Theta, like many who look to them today and admire them, were a kind of 'cultural minority' to white society. This was not a popular, easy, or even 'acceptable' thing to do during their time. The founders of Delta Sigma Theta were constantly harassed by an organization of white men at the nearby Ku Klux Klan.

The tenacity and faith of the sorority's founders have given it a colorful, international history and rich legacy. Ethel Cuff Black, who helped lead the fight to desegregate the nation's capital's public library in 1936, was one. Today, Delta Sigma Theta represents almost an entire century of committed public service and community impact, with more than 200,000 initiated members worldwide. Indeed, the sorority's positive, energetic commitment continues to reverberate throughout the country, evident in updated voter rights initiatives and economic empowerment programs. Social service, scholarship, and sisterly concern are values inherent in every Delta's heart. It is these values that make us try so hard in everything we do, so that we can prove to the world that we are sort of like our founders, who started with almost nothing and turned it into everything, and many people who now look up to those founders have done the same. As you already know, we adapt our ideas as our world gets more and more diverse. Why? Because we believe it is important for you to know the significance of Delta Sigma Theta today. To join Delta Sigma Theta today is to continue that trend of adapting old ideas to new faces, new needs, and new missions. Joining us today is a lifetime commitment to service and schooling.

Opportunities within Delta Sigma Theta

Leadership and Career Advancement Development. The Delta Sigma Network chapter understands the importance of professional development and how important it is to stay ahead of the curve. That is why we have a dedicated professional development committee that holds various workshops and symposiums, which are open to the entire community. Additionally, these opportunities align with our sorority’s mission of creating a new generation of leaders. On a smaller, more personal level, you will pair up with other members to help each other study, prepare, and even practice for interviews. It is up to each member how involved they are in studying, but multiple chances for guidance from chapter leadership and your fellow members will be available.

Mentorship. By being a part of Delta Sigma Network, you are joining an innovative group that connects strong, ambitious women from all different points in their lives and helps each other succeed. Additionally, you will also have many opportunities to learn about different career paths and job fields, all from accomplished women in your community. Personal Growth Opportunities. The programs and events that our chapter offers will potentially set you apart and give you something extra to add to your resume. The goal of our professional development workshops is to help you familiarize yourself with the issues and problems that surround you in your professional and personal life, as well as those in your community. Our chapter strongly believes in the power of women and in helping them reach their full potential. Additionally, developing leadership and job skills is a great first step in that process. In addition to building leadership and job skills, other workshops and pilot programs will be available to assist in developing life skills, including our Get a Job/Discover Your Passion – A Women’s Job Workshop. Being a part of Delta Sigma Network also provides access to additional resources such as our Job Godmother service.

Networking. The opportunity to meet and work with experienced professional women from different businesses is an advantage we offer because of the diversity within our chapter and among our sorors. Engagement and Networking: Delta Sigma members participate in a variety of formal and informal activities designed to engage and get to know each other. These types of interactions help to facilitate networking and are beneficial to our members who have a shared social support system. Confidence-Building. Involvement in the Greek community can have long-term impacts on a student’s self-esteem and outlook on life. Additionally, the interaction with peers in a network of support serves as a developing ground for the eventual world of work, which is frequently team-based. Industry professionals seek those who can comfortably connect with others in an interpersonal manner. Through participation or leadership in events, you will have many opportunities to interact, develop, learn, and test your new interpersonal skills. Resume Building. A substantial foundation in community service providing leadership roles toward these efforts often leads to opening doors in the professional domain. It is leadership and public service building experiences because of the leadership opportunities, which are key. Also, companies are looking to hire undergraduates who have significant experience when they graduate. Our organization has those opportunities not only for Sophomores and Juniors but also provides internships for Freshmen.

Community Service and Social Impact

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority enjoys an esteemed reputation within the African American community. Many members come to view Delta Sigma Theta as one of the finest African American organizations due to its extensive community service efforts. Members engage in a great deal of social outreach to bring positive possibilities to communities within the United States and abroad. One project, the Delta GEMS program, targets young girls and offers them a variety of projects on education, technology, etiquette, health, and more. Known as the "Growing & Empowering Myself Successfully" program, local chapters nominate girls within communities to receive an opportunity to attend Delta GEMS retreats. Workshops cover career search skills, healthy lifestyles, healthy relationships, self-esteem, goal setting, sexuality, violence in school, etiquette, and financial planning.

Projects sponsored by the sorority target both education and Black history. These programs differ from typical Black history programs in that they are portrayed from an international, national, or state perspective and incorporate a variety of cultures often neglected in these types of events. One program aims to show people ways they can prosper while retaining their African heritage and culture. For those who have left the country, this gives them opportunities to prosper and return to their roots. All projects are meant to expand both the benevolence and self-esteem of communities. Offered in six states and South Africa, a total of over 6,100 people attended 22 programs last year. In another project, 37 chapters donate money to a college or university to sponsor an event celebrating International Day of Black Families in May.

Collectively, these chapters have contributed $32,550. In conjunction with social and community endeavors, Delta Sigma Theta offers a wide range of leadership training programs in education, technology, health, human relations, and the arts. Leadership initiates change and enhances an individual's ability to contribute significantly to society. Because Delta Sigma Theta promotes civic engagement, the organization emphasizes the importance of an educated and informed membership to understand and participate in the political process. Delta Sigma Theta boasts the largest percentage of U.S. delegates attending various international programs. Additionally, members contribute the most messages for incoming ambassadors in the National Campaign encouraging civic engagement among young people. This commitment to building a better society and broader world reinforces the notion that joining Delta Sigma Theta is truly about the betterment of others. The five objectives for membership are fulfilled in service to all mankind. Each community is different, but the message of the program and what we take away from these programs does not change. Resoundingly, they are successful in building compassion toward neighbors, eradicating negative attitudes, uplifting communities, increasing dialogue, and creating other similar transformations. In terms of membership, a significant percentage of collegiate members involved in training take part in at least one service opportunity, some of which are through their colleges. Just like those involved in Delta GEMS and other programs, Delta members typically design service projects based upon what they hear and learn within their training.

The Decision to Join Delta Sigma Theta

In conclusion, many weighty motivations have inspired and continue to inspire many to join Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated. It is a collective and individual journey filled with possibilities. However, it is also a decision not taken lightly by potential candidates. It comes with confusion and discomfort. It is the heavy weight of the mission, vision, and values that draws many believers to such deep sacrifice and comprehensive development of self and service. The benefits are and have been a lifeline, and its sisterhood provides divine support. Ultimately, joining will be without regret when those who have the opportunity recognize that the time may be right to begin the journey. Please recheck the motives that reflect the aforementioned organization's work on one’s own aspirations. When joining any organization, there will be times of hardship, and disenrollment will be considered. The importance of finding an organization that cares about one’s well-being is likely why women write and read these kinds of essays—to understand that there is a connection between the chosen organization and its soon-to-be members. A strong guideline on how an organization functions is based on experience; no words will make the prospective member believe, but the facts that the current members share reveal the real nature of the organization. Above all else, make a decision to join Delta Sigma Theta; it is a partnership between the organization and the individual. Join the sorority when you are sure that you are not only doing something for yourself. Join when you are ready to make a difference in the lives of others and help uphold our social responsibility.

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Why Do I Want to Be A Delta Sigma Theta. (2024, Dec 27). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-do-i-want-to-be-a-delta-sigma-theta/