When Women Joined the Workforce

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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It was considered patriotic and courageous when you left your family to join the workforce. It was patriotic and smart when women joined the workforce to free the men up to fight and return home. True patriotism not only states, “We Can Do I!”; but, “Here I Am!”.

Society could not envision the effects of what working outside the home would do to women. Many women became more self-sufficient, developed confidence in their capabilities, and discovered new hidden talents. Working inspired empowerment and the quest for social reform.

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Society just wanted to fill out the vacancies until the men return from the war. Nevertheless, women fulfill their patriotic duty with dedication and hard work. Many women showed up to help. They proved that they were trustworthy and competent during the war ordeal. (Source card),

“Women face unique challenges and struggles when they entered the workforce. They had to learn how to manage their finances and find child care. They were overwhelmed with performing “dual roles” of being the “mother” and now the “head of the household”. They were not accepted or welcomed into the workplace by the men. They worked long hours, had dangerous working conditions, and received less pay. Some men still felt that the women could not handle or perform “men’s work”.

Women continued to perform their jobs flawlessly and exceeded everyone’s expectations. Though there continued to be opposition against them, the attitudes of men gradually changed because they were doing the work. Women were expected to leave their jobs and work temporarily until the war ended. However, many enjoyed working and did not want to terminate their new personal and financial freedom. Nevertheless, upon the arrival of the men, many women were demoted, fired or laid off. Even though their jobs were taken away; they couldn’t take away their new skills, confidence, and self-worth. Women no longer felt inferior or had self-doubts about their capabilities. They can rely upon and believe in themselves.

WWII made the impossible, so very possible, and there is nothing women can’t do. Women can budget, handle the finance, provide for the family, and take care of the children and home. Women were strong, smart, and capable of performing the same job as their male counterparts. A greater feeling of progress and expectation that social change was in the future. Women have tasted freedom and they felt liberated. Serving and working nontraditional jobs for the country has empowered and compel women to fight for their rights.

Women should be able to work in nontraditional jobs for equal pay and for equal rights. Things will never go back to the way it uses to be; because of all the selfless sacrifices, the American family made during the war. WWII impacted and brought many challenges, new jobs, new skills, and new opportunities to women all over the world. Women have great perseverance and had to overcome so much when they entered the workforce, that they are motivated to continue the fight for more equality among the men and women. Women will never allow their struggles to be forgotten.

In conclusion, men were sent off to war, leaving their jobs and family behind. Women for the first time had to step up and provide for their family. The country had to function without men and devise a plan to keep it afloat. A massive publicity campaign was targeted towards women to recruit their services to the workforce. Women were reluctant to apply; because they were only housewives and had no work experience. Nevertheless, the campaigns entice the women to respond because it was their patriotic duty.

WWII gave the women new opportunities and challenges. They were given the chance to learn new skills that will sustain their families. When the women transition to the workforce, they were faced with fierce oppositions and resentment from the men. Due to the increased draft of men being shipped off to the war, more women were in demand to work in the factories and plants. Eventually, the attitudes changed towards the women due to their excellent performance. Women were able to fulfill and carry out the job tasks that their previous male counterparts held. Women proved that they were suitable to handle many jobs. Women had the physical strength, mechanical ability, and the skills to take on the vacancies left by the men. The country sought them out to fill the increasing number of factories and defense jobs that were previously considered unsuitable for women.

The women continued to struggle with maintaining their dual roles. They now worked two jobs while the men were at war. Nonetheless, they accomplished the mission. When the men returned from the war, many of the women were let go from their work responsibilities. They didn’t know that the job opportunities were only temporary. The same country that enticed and begged them to join the workforce, was now demoting, firing, or laying them off from their job.

WWII will be forever remembered as the catalyst that started the women’s empower movement. Women were not given their recognition for the active roles they played in WWII. They sustained their families and the country’s economy. However, WWII provided discovery and revelation into untapped talents and abilities. It opened up a desire for reform and equality between men and women. Women wanted their rights and voiced their concerns. No longer will they be silenced, no longer will they be pushed aside, women were finally standing up for themselves. They demanded social change to the injustices that they incurred, the opportunity to work nontraditional jobs, the end of discrimination, equal pay for performing the same job, and gender equality.

There may have been a different outcome if it wasn’t for the war. The women’s rights movement journey may have not started if the women were to give, the glorious opportunity to discover their self-worth and capabilities. 

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When women joined the workforce. (2021, Nov 30). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/when-women-joined-the-workforce/