Nixon and the Watergate Crisis

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Throughout America’s history, scandals involving politicians and public figures have left lasting impacts on public trust. Indeed, it seems almost as if drama and discord are growing more and more prevalent in our modern version of politics, especially with the introduction of social media. However, Americans cannot forget the 1970s' infamous Watergate scandal involving former President Richard Nixon. This scandal took the nation by storm and helped the American people peek into the increasingly corrupt world of politics that was finally showing its true colors to the public.

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The Seeds of Scandal

Although Nixon was elected in 1969, the real drama didn’t begin until early 1971. The Pentagon Papers were exposed, revealing that the government had escalated its efforts in the Vietnam War, contrary to what the American public had been told. In an attempt to prevent these revelations from further leaking to the public eye, the Nixon Administration assembled the "White House Plumbers." This group was tasked with preventing some news outlets from publishing the leaked documents. The team consisted of some very powerful men, including G. Gordon Liddy, a former FBI agent, and E. Howard Hunt, a former CIA agent. Other members included John Paisley, John Ehrlichman, Egil Krogh, and David Young. Their primary target was Daniel Ellsberg, the man who had leaked the Pentagon Papers.

The White House Plumbers set off on a mission to find anything they could against Daniel Ellsberg but to no avail. However, they soon discovered that Ellsberg had been seeing a psychiatrist, although they were unsure of the reason. With this newfound information, they took it upon themselves to break into the psychiatrist's office in Los Angeles in an attempt to find any documents that could aid them in discrediting Ellsberg. Their goal was to portray him as mentally ill to undermine anything he might say about the president, thus discrediting him as "unwell." Unfortunately for them, they found nothing incriminating, but they did wiretap the office phone lines in an attempt to gather information they may have missed. This first break-in was successful, at least in terms of execution.

Unraveling the Conspiracy

However, it didn’t take long for the Plumbers to be caught amidst their crimes. About a month later, it was discovered that one of the bugs was defective, prompting the Plumbers to go back and replace it. At 2:30 AM, the five men attempting to bug the office were caught by security and promptly arrested. They were later identified as Edward Martin, Frank Sturgis, Eugenio R. Martinez, Virgilio R. Gonzales, and Bernard L. Barker. They were charged with felonious burglary and possession of implements of crime. All but one of the five men were held with a $50,000 bail. There didn’t appear to be any immediate reason for these men to be attempting to rob and wiretap the phones, which led people to speculate about their motives. Upon further inspection, the police found many of the taps were stuck under desks and were the size of a silver dollar, more or less. They also discovered that at least one of the arrested men had registered as a guest at the Watergate Hotel.

Within the next day, the news of the break-in reached the public via the Washington Post, thanks to journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. The story was put on the front page and linked the crime to the Committee to Re-Elect the President (CRP, often humorously referred to as CREEP) because one of the men arrested, James McCord, was the committee's security coordinator. The police left Woodward with a crucial piece of information: the burglars had left behind two address books and checks from Howard Hunt in their hotel room. Some documents were found that made Woodward link the incident directly to the White House.

Woodward managed to get in contact with Howard Hunt, which proved to be more fruitful than expected. Within the next day, Woodward publicly linked the break-in to Hunt. Nixon was absolutely appalled to see that one of his closest aides had been linked to the burglary. Nixon considered members of the press to be some of his political enemies as a result of the news reaching American citizens. The White House dismissed the break-in as a "third-rate burglary." However, the president’s aides were worried that the press would see through their claims and dig deeper into the scandal. Nixon took it upon himself to publicly question those involved in an attempt to veer the press off the tracks of what had truly happened. In less than three weeks, the scandal seemed to have mysteriously disappeared from the media.

The Legacy of Watergate

On July 10th, the lookout during the break-in, Alfred Baldwin, revealed that he had attempted to receive advice from the re-election committee on what to do but did not receive a response. As a result, he decided to come clean, feeling "disowned by the committee." This confession, along with the relentless investigation by journalists and lawmakers, eventually led to the unraveling of a much larger conspiracy that went beyond a simple break-in.

The Watergate scandal had far-reaching implications. It led to the resignation of President Nixon, the only time a U.S. president has resigned from office. It also resulted in a greater public awareness of the potential for governmental abuse of power. Trust in political institutions was severely damaged, leading to a more skeptical and vigilant public. Moreover, the scandal prompted legislative reforms aimed at increasing transparency and accountability in government. It underscored the importance of a free press as a watchdog over government actions, a role that remains crucial in today's political landscape.


In conclusion, the Watergate scandal remains a pivotal moment in American history, illustrating the depth of political corruption and the power of investigative journalism. It exposed the vulnerabilities of political systems to unethical practices but also demonstrated the resilience of democratic institutions in holding leaders accountable. The legacy of Watergate continues to influence American politics and serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency, accountability, and integrity in public life. As we navigate the complexities of modern politics, the lessons of Watergate underscore the need for vigilance and the enduring value of truth in ensuring a just society.

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Nixon and the Watergate Crisis. (2023, Mar 27). Retrieved from