Water Pollution in China

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The challenge of rising water pollution in China poses a huge threat to existing water bodies that greatly benefit indigenous people, industries, and government. This water pollution was the result of effluents from large industrial areas, which drained the chemicals of rivers and other related streams. The escalating impasse of China’s water pollution requires quick and practical measures aimed at protecting a few uncontaminated water bodies and stopping further pollution of those already polluted. These efforts will help protect aquatic life and improve environmental conservation.

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To effectively reduce water pollution levels, the Chinese government must implement reasonable and correct regulations to ensure the reduction of toxic waste releases in the water ecosystem.

The appalling situation caused by the flow of Chinese industrial waste from industrialized countries with high population density has reached points where they threaten to literally extinguish aquatic life and thus make rivers and waterways of value useless. In fact, these rivers, streams and other aquatic organisms are affected to such an extent that they can be considered contaminated by visual observation. In addition, you can feel the strong and terrible smell of flowing water bodies. This polluted mass of mobile water is usually black (2010 economy). Ideally, the Chinese authorities want to intervene and implement effective measures to regulate the guilty industries for commercialization of these rivers and streams. Many industrialists, however, reject such a move, but instead consider implementing a number of restrictive measures that will deter the growth and development of future industries. These arguments fall in the face of logic and only help to support further environmental degradation. Industrialists also assume that these measures will reduce the production of some of the companies they argue with, particularly critical in global industrial production and the emergence of China as a superpower Shanxi Province is classified as a pioneer in the country’s worst river water because of the region’s large industries (China Knowledge Press Pte Ltd & Xiahou, 2005). Environmentalists and indigenous people are equally aware of the growing stalemate, and most wonder whether the deteriorating situation will be halted in time because all 10 of the most polluted cities in Shanxi.

With urbanization and industrialization, China’s population is increasing. too many Buildings in spring. After controlling the effects of government efforts social and economic environments, regression analysis shows that both populations the size and growth of the population have significant negative impacts on water quality (Ito, C, 2005). Since the 1970s, China’s population has doubled in urban areas from 1978 to 1995, the population grew rapidly, and urbanization quickly emerged. At the same time, water Pollution has become more serious. Much of the untreated industry sewage is disposed of in rivers and lakes, and even the government makes policy That the industry must treat their own sewage. (Ito, C, 2005) huge amounts of pollution water brings illness and economic loss and threatens human health development. To achieve stable development, people need to balance economic development and environmental sustainability. Water shortage is practiculary severe and if the problem is not sloved agriculture yields will decline. Robert E. Gamer & Stanley W. Toops (2017) understanding contemporary China

The economic losses that water pollution is causing china are fishery, human health, and industry. For fishery large numbers of dead fish, shrimp, crabs, and shrimps will pollute rivers and lakes. That way the fishers suffers from direct and indirect loss because of water pollution. For the human health the wastewater pollutes plants and animals and that commonly causes different diseases and put the human lives in danger. Finally, if the government find any factories that causes high pollution they will require them to close the factory and that makes many people to lose their jobs, when we stop productions that will cause money loss.

The most controversial dam in China remains the Three Gorges Dam (Sanxia) on the Yangtze River in western Hubei Province. The dam controls about half of the annual flow of the Yangtze River valley. Supporters said the dam would be safe from a military attack that denied it was located in an earthquake zone. So now according to greenblog.org the green pros of dam are dam authorities in a huge country. It is the world’s largest energy producer. It is a sustainable source of energy. It also helps in the flood control system that can control and manage water flow, so it also serves as an alternative, multi-purpose alternative that can produce a huge amount of energy, while controlling natural disasters. It has created a wider transport network; the dam fills the river, making it more mobile than ever before. The negatives are, creates a negative environmental impact. According to some critics, the environmental benefits that some people say were only to cover up the more serious environmental effects, such as erosion, and the death of rivers and submerged lands in neighboring areas. This causes water pollution, and this is one of the reasons why Chinese suffer from cancer and other diseases. Can lead to earthquakes and landslides. With its massive structure and trillions of pounds of concrete weight, generators and water, not to mention its massive operations. Conclusion Before we decide whether the Three Gorges Dam is the best solution for energy production, we need to balance its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages will not come without disadvantages as well.

To reduce pollution load to zero, more advanced engineering cleaning is needed. Some of the worlds developed have wastewater treatment. Wheat to other regions to simulate this strategy to reduce the loads of sewage pollutants to zero. We need to focus at the green agricultural practices as well. Agricultural production practices are major causal factors for water pollution.

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Water Pollution in China. (2019, Feb 10). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/water-pollution-in-china/