Walmart: Discounting the American Dream

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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Walmart is a giant in the retail world and kinda represents American consumerism and capitalism. Sam Walton started it back in 1962, and now it’s the biggest retailer around. They’ve been super successful by selling stuff cheaply to tons of people. But it makes you wonder: does Walmart really support the American Dream, or does it mess it up?

The American Dream is about making it big, doing well, and moving up in life. It’s the idea that anyone can get financial stability and be happy if they work hard.

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Walmart seems to back this up by creating jobs and selling affordable goods. But when you dig deeper, things get a bit murky and even contradictory.

Economic Impact and Job Creation

At first glance, Walmart seems like a big help to the economy. They employ over two million people worldwide, most of them in the U.S. These jobs mean money for families and a boost to local economies. Plus, their low prices help people, especially those with low income, to save money.

But the jobs at Walmart aren’t always great. A lot of workers are part-time, get low pay, and don’t have much chance to move up. Critics say that this keeps people stuck in low-wage jobs, making it hard to get financial stability or move up the social ladder. So, in a way, Walmart’s version of the American Dream might be more of an illusion.

And then there’s the impact on local businesses. Walmart can sell stuff cheaper than the little guys, which often pushes those smaller stores out of business. This means fewer jobs locally and less variety in the market. It can kill the entrepreneurial spirit and innovation, which are key parts of the American Dream.

Consumer Culture and the Pursuit of Happiness

Walmart’s whole deal is offering “Everyday Low Prices.” This shapes how people think about value and shopping. The focus on cheap stuff can lead to a culture where people buy a lot of things, maybe more than they need, valuing quantity over quality.

This consumer culture can clash with the deeper values of the American Dream, like personal fulfillment and meaningful success. Chasing after material goods can feel empty, always looking for the next deal instead of finding real happiness. This shift can take away from the overall well-being that the American Dream is supposed to offer.

Corporate Responsibility and Ethical Considerations

Walmart’s way of doing business has raised some ethical eyebrows too. They’ve been accused of poor working conditions, low pay, and being anti-union. These issues not only affect their workers but also make you question if they really care about fairness and justice, which are core to the American Dream.

Their global supply chain has its own set of problems. There have been reports of sweatshops, child labor, and exploitation in factories making products for Walmart. These practices keep prices low but make you wonder about the real cost of these cheap goods.

Environmental issues are another biggie. Walmart’s massive operations and focus on low-cost products can harm the environment. From getting raw materials to throwing away cheap, disposable items, their impact is huge. This goes against the idea of a sustainable and prosperous future, which is a big part of the American Dream.


You can’t deny Walmart’s impact on American society. They provide cheap goods and create jobs, making them a big player in the economy. But when you look closer, their business practices might be messing with the very principles of the American Dream.

The low wages, limited chances for moving up, the hit to local businesses, the push for overconsumption, and the ethical and environmental issues all paint a complicated picture. While Walmart helps many Americans save money, it also keeps some big problems alive that hold back the broader American Dream.

In the end, Walmart’s effect on the American Dream is complex and needs a careful look. It makes us rethink what prosperity and success really mean and how to balance economic growth, ethical practices, and true personal fulfillment. Only by tackling these issues can we hope to achieve a more fair and lasting American Dream.

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Walmart: Discounting the American Dream. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from