Visit to the Beach: Cherished Moments on the Shore and my Lifelong Affection for the Seaside

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Updated: Aug 26, 2023
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We all have that beautiful, unique place in our minds. I have a wonderful place that makes me happy, the wind swirling around me, unsettling hot sand beneath my feet. Walking to the beachside disturbed the calm water as I glided my feet into the shallow end of the water. At this moment, I feel at peace, just in the water, floating around and feeling relaxed. When I am in the water, all my problems are gone and washed away with the waves.

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Just me and my favorite place.

The Beach: My Sanctuary of Solace

Trying to describe how much I love the beach and how much it means to me is something that cannot be described in words. Going to the beach connects me with everything there is about it: the sun, the waves, the water, and the waves. The beach is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen; it is very comfortable and calm. When I was younger, my mom and aunt would take my cousins and me to the beach, where we would have the time of our lives, from playing in the sand to making sand castles to making snowmen, even barring each other in the sand.

Every other year, my family and I would rent a beach house up in Myrtle Beach for our family reunion. Every day while we were there, my family and I would go to the beach and play kickball and volleyball games; we even made new buddy friends to play with at the beach when we were there.

I treasured those days with my family for our week’s family reunion, just staying on the beach for all of that. I got to have a week full of pure happiness, and then we went back home to Florida. I had gone back to my everyday beach-less life. However, I loved going to the city, but it was just something about that week’s vacation at the beach that captured my heart and made me wish I was still there. Many of my childhood memories are set and centered on the shore of the beach. Being there surrounded by my family, there was never a dull moment. Having flashbacks of every moment that we spent together, it seems that, like every moment, we were on the beach playing in the sand and water or sometimes inside of the beach house playing games and just hanging out talking while sitting on the back porch looking at the view of the beach as the sunsets.

Memories Cast on the Sands of Time

When I was younger, I had to be eight or nine years old and love the waves. My cousins would be scared to jump and run back to shore once they saw the big waves coming their way. As for me, I wanted the waves to come my way, especially the big ones, to come and push me over. Once the bug wave came, all the men went to sea to take the heat off the 10-foot wave. I wanted to go and join them badly, but my mom would not let me go. Instead, my cousins and I stayed on the porch watching how amazing the peaceful and calm the beach was during the daytime could turn into a monster at night.

In conclusion, I would spend every day and moment at the beach, watching the waves and the sunset. There is no other place in the world where I would go to feel peaceful, calm, and relaxed. I will enjoy it any time of the day. The beach is the best place for me to go and get myself relaxed and to get my mind off of things that worry me. I am so grateful for the nature that we have and its beauty.

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Visit to the Beach: Cherished Moments on the Shore and My Lifelong Affection for the Seaside. (2023, Aug 26). Retrieved from