Unforgettable Experience at the Beach: Captivating Moments at Miami Beach

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Updated: Aug 09, 2023
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A Day at Miami Beach

Miami Beach is my favorite place to visit, which is close to my house. I used to visit this place when I got out of school. I love to sit and stay there, writing about my life and playing guitar by the sand. Today is a sunny day at the beach, the calm blue sky brings me calm, and the clouds look very clear.

Vibrant Life on the Sands

There is a big family around a lounge chair with an umbrella.

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They are wearing swimsuits of different colors. The youngest girl is covering herself with a pink towel, and the children are building sand castles. Two dogs are running and enjoying the smell of the salty water. Some people are playing volleyball and screaming at each other about where the ball will be. Other men are diving in the water. One of them seems to be a professional swimmer because he swims as fast as a fish.

Unforgettable Experience at the Beach

My best experience on Miami Beach is walking all around the sand and watching your feet marked on it. In today’s afternoon, the beach is silent as people rush back home or to their hotels waiting for the next day. The warm and energized sun inspires me to write in a creative way about life. The skylight is reflected on the water as the sun emerges, rising like a yellow balloon on the distant horizon.

A Melting Pot of Cultures and Activities

Proving that we all have the same rights, people from different backgrounds and races fill Miami Beach, including whites, Africans, and Europeans, among others. The environment is enjoyable and full of energy, which is evident because of the distant voices and laughs. I am walking all around the beach, enjoying the relaxing, soothing, and peaceful atmosphere. The birds are flying higher than ever above the Hilton Cabana Hotel, and the bright, blue sky contrasts with the blue columns of the building and the white stairs.

I could feel the delicious smell of the barbecue beef that a family was cooking on the grill. On the other side of the sand, there is a boy who seems to be around twelve years old. He is playing a romantic song with his acoustic guitar and is being accompanied by a girl who is playing the violin. I could see a boat sailing on the water that was heading to the northwest. Five guys are playing soccer in the middle of the soft sand. There is a bar on the side of the volleyball court that looks like a pirate tavern, and there is an Indian lady with blonde hair who is drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette. In front of the bar, two little guys are listening to a basketball game that is being transmitted on the radio. A beautiful girl is lying on the sand and reading a book that has a cat on the cover page.

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Unforgettable Experience at the Beach: Captivating Moments at Miami Beach. (2023, Aug 09). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/unforgettable-experience-at-the-beach-captivating-moments-at-miami-beach/