Christmas Experience Unveiled: an Unforgettable Reunion and Celebration

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Updated: Aug 01, 2023
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My Christmas Experience: A Reunion Full of Surprises

Shweta Patel M. Geistkemper Eng-105 (T, Th) Narrative essay draft Christmas Surprise There have been many Christmases and many memories. However, my favorite Christmas memory occurred when I was in class nine; it was an unforgettable day of my life because of the festival of Christmas and a surprise visit from my parents. They arrived from India to the U.S.A. to give me a surprise, and I had no idea they were coming at all.

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I was appropriately shocked, expletives included.

Moreover, I was delighted to hear my parent’s voice, and they were overjoyed to give me such a happy surprise. I celebrated Christmas with my parents and also with my friends. When I woke up late morning on Christmas, my mother spoke out loudly, “Surprise, surprise!” I remained silent for a while. Then, I ran to my mother and hugged her. In addition, I heard a voice saying: “Why don’t you give me a hug? Come to your dad at once, please!” said he with happiness, excited look. So, I turned to my right side and saw my dad standing there with an amazing smile painted gracefully all over his face. Tears of joy started flowing down my cheeks as I hugged him. Moreover, my father brought two pairs of Indian dresses and bracelets, as well as two pairs of jeans and sports shoes.

Celebrating Traditions and Bonds: The Ideal Christmas Day

Furthermore, my mother brought me a Christmas sweater with bells on it and a laptop. I was very excited that day. On the other hand, I was immediately encircled by the aromas of her Christmas cooking and baking. I went into the kitchen with my dad, and together we helped my mom finish preparing the Christmas snacks and sweets. Later in the morning, I went to church with my parents. I prayed for us and for my friend. Also, I prayed for happy and long lives for the people around me. After church, we arrived home, where I ate my favorite snacks, such as dry banana chips, chocolate cookie cups, and feta pinwheels. At noon, I went to my best friend Megan’s home. I wore an Indian dress made of fine georgette fabric with a velvet patch of stud and beadwork. I brought some gifts and sweets for them.

We ate all the sweets together, like chocolates, almond cookies, cashew sweets, biscuits, and caramel popcorn were my favorites. However, Megan wanted to eat only almond cookies. ‘Are you sure you liked it?’ I asked. She replied, “I have been waiting for this to taste for a long time.” “Really?” “Yeah, the yummy almond cookie must be made of your mom!” After some hours, Megan and her parents also visited my home with sweets and snacks. I seek their blessing on the festival day. She gave me the compliment that she received her favorite Barbie doll from me. For the next hour, I received many gifts from them. However, to me, giving a present brings even more enjoyment and happiness than receiving it.

Cherished Connections: My Ideal Christmas Night

The evening is the most interesting part of the day. I went to a vegetarian restaurant for dinner with my parents. It was not easy to find a good restaurant near my resident place because most of the restaurants closed on Christmas. So, we went to the other town to find a vegetarian restaurant. Then, my dad called my uncle, and he suggested a new restaurant that was famous in his area. Finally, we arrived at our destination. Their food was delivered with unbelievable speed and with delightful presentation. The restaurant looked so beautiful, decorated with colorful lights, and very festive. After a delicious dinner, I came back home with my parents. They got busy receiving phone calls. So later, I spent the night playing games and sharing gifts and toys that my parents brought for me.

To celebrate Christmas, we buy new clothes, gifts, sweets, and chocolates. We also meet our relatives and friends at the Christmas festival. We greet our relatives and friends with sweets and gifts. Homes and Shops are lit with colorful bulbs and attract huge crowds. Christmas festival, to me, is a celebration that includes spending time with my family, decorating the entire house, and sharing gifts and food, with the people I love. After all, this is how I was surprised. I enjoyed myself as well as got to bond with my parents, whom I had not seen for a while. The real surprise is when the wish unexpectedly comes true. It gave me a feeling of excitement that can’t be described. It was one of the best days I had ever spent, being emotionally very satisfying. I had been out with my family, and it felt good because I felt I connected with them.


  1. Patel, S. (2023). Personal communication, December 25.
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Christmas Experience Unveiled: An Unforgettable Reunion and Celebration. (2023, Aug 01). Retrieved from