The Unforgettable Vacation with my Family

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My family and I had been preparing and waiting for this to happen and I was extremely excited to be leaving the next day. The thought of being so far away from home occupied most of my time. I was eager to leave the country and finally see my family again. The awaited day was finally here; a day I was going to experience a new adventure. My mom woke me up exceptionally early because she didn’t want us to miss our flight.

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As a result, we didn’t have time for a full breakfast and had to get ready immediately. My mom was double-checking everything – the tickets, passports, and everything else we needed for our trip. We arrived at SFO around 8:30 a.m., and our flight was at 10:30 a.m., which gave us about two hours to get to our gate. Upon arrival, we checked three enormous bags and went through airport security. We reached the gate just in time to board the airplane. Five long and monotonous hours later, we were in Chicago. Everyone was tired and dreading the forthcoming nine-hour flight. The first thing we did on arrival was search for a place to eat. With limited choices, we decided on McDonald’s so that we wouldn’t go hungry. Soon after eating, we made our way to the next gate.

Upon reaching our gate, we had to wait a while because of a delay due to the weather, but it didn’t bother us too much. We finally boarded the plane around 10 p.m. and we were exhausted. I couldn’t wait to lay back and watch TV. As expected, I watched a multitude of movies until my eyes couldn’t stay open any longer. I finally fell asleep and woke up to the hot sun shining in my eyes. With great enthusiasm, I anticipated landing. In about half an hour, I took my first steps in São Paulo, Brazil. My excitement knew no bounds as I saw my uncle who had come to pick us up. The city was beautiful. It was extremely tropical with palm trees outside, hot weather, and a bustling crowd. Our journey to my grandma’s house was about an hour by car but I was so intrigued by the people and lush trees that I didn’t mind. Being there felt so different and it was absolutely amazing. On arrival, I was overjoyed to see my beloved grandparents. I had missed them tremendously and was extremely happy to be reunited with them. I was thrilled at the prospect of spending Christmas and New Year’s there. The following day, we took a long drive to my uncle’s farm where we were going to spend our holiday. It was outstanding, boasting a large pool and a beach right next to it, with a variety of animals like chickens, horses, dogs, cats, pigs, cows, and sheep. I was exhilarated to see all my cousins and have a fantastic time playing games and swimming.

On Christmas, we stayed up until midnight and opened presents. I got so many, but my favorite one was the chance to be in Brazil with all of my family. I think that was probably one of the best gifts of all. On New Year’s, we went to a nearby beach and watched the fireworks go off. It was a new and fun experience to celebrate New Year’s the Brazilian way. This trip was filled with exciting new experiences. I got to ride my horse, Ella, whom I hadn’t seen for years; I was overjoyed to find that she still remembered me. I also got to play numerous board games and watch the stars late at night with my aunts and uncles. The sight of countless beautiful stars shining down on us was unforgettable. I will always cherish this vacation, and I hope to go back soon.

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The Unforgettable Vacation with My Family. (2022, Nov 22). Retrieved from