My Holiday Trip: Rediscovering Roots and Culture

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There are many places to go on a trip, but I chose Nepal since I was born in Nepal. I have been in Nepal for ten years of my life and have had my best memorable experience. This is my second time going to Nepal with my family after eleven years of being in the United States.

Exploring Nepal’s Cultural Tapestry

I was so excited because I was going back to my homeland, where I was born and grew up.

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At eight pm, we arrived in Nepal; my first thought was when I arrived in Nepal. Nepal is the most beautiful country and the poorest country. The three most interesting places I visited in Nepal were mounts Everest, Patan Museum, and Pashupati Nath. Firstly, the trip to Mount Everest. I had never been to Everest when I was in Nepal. My mom and I always wanted to see how high the Mountain is. The height of the Mountain is 29,029 feet. We had fun walking in the hills. We walked halfway, and the view from there was beautiful.

We literally saw everything. The Mountain is kind of dangerous because the government doesn’t fulfill its responsibility; they have not changed this new altitude official. We asked for more information for people who live near the Mountain. The Mountain is very cold and windy at the top, oxygen is low, and not everyone can claim it. About 300 people live on Mount Everest; not everyone can survive. The people who live on Mount Everest are doctors, scientists, etc. After hearing all this information, we decided not to climb the top of Everest, but we walked through halfway. I always wanted to claim on top of the Mountain because I used to watch an interview with people who had already been there and had experienced it. Secondly, the trip to the Patan museum with Mom. Patan Museum exhibits the traditional and religious arts of Nepal, such as Rajasthan, Narayan, and four-faced Shiva Linga. Since my mom is very religious and old thought she loves going to the temple. I always wanted to see Nepalese culture dress and want to learn more about history.

I don’t remember much stuff from Nepal when I was here. When we went inside the museum, things were being changed; everything was different than before. Now they added more historical stuff and art., but some part was still the same; I noticed that God was still the same and as important as he was before. Shiva, Ram, and Krishan these gods are the most popular gods in Nepal. About half of the Nepalese people trust them. Also, the museum displays new Nepal cultural history; for instance, Hindu and Buddhist traditions in Nepal go back more than a few years and still happen around the world, which Patan is famous for. The family is important in Nepalese life. They stay faithful to each other. Each piece of art in the museum symbols something. It also describes a hard worker.

Arts are expensive. Only a few people have barely brought them. Eventually, the museum is created by a centenarian because they are more knowledgeable about history. Thirdly, our last and final trips to Pashupatinath before returning to the United States. People believe going to the temple with a positive and clean heart; all your sins will be forgiven. I wanted all my sins to be gone, so we decided to visit the temple. Pashupatinath is a famous temple in Kathmandu, Nepal, because people from different countries come there to get away with their transgression. Pashupatinath is an important temple devoted to all gods, but the temple is most known by god Shiva. Millions of different backgrounds and races visit there every week. Since I had already read a book about the temple before coming to Nepal, I had little knowledge about temple rules. Everything I read was real and also helped me a lot in keeping us out of trouble. I personally don’t believe in God, but going to Pashupatinath changed my view of thinking. The things I loved about going to the temple are the priest is very respectful and well-mannered.


To conclude, trips to Nepal with my family were amazing; I had so much fun and visited places. Also, I got to spend most of my time with my family, which meant a lot to me. I learned more about Nepali culture and religion. Nepal is a beautiful place for nature exploration. I suggest everyone should go there for once. Being able to go back to Nepal was the most blessing. I never thought of going back to Nepal without my family’s support and love. I had the best time of my life and the most memorable experience I ever had.


  1. “Arresting God in Kathmandu” by Samrat Upadhyay
  2. “The Living Goddess” by Isabella Tree
  3. “Annapurna: A Woman’s Place” by Arlene Blum


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My Holiday Trip: Rediscovering Roots and Culture. (2023, Aug 19). Retrieved from