Venus Williams once Stated

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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There are many things in life that make me happy and recently, tennis is at the top of that list. I played and enjoyed tennis in middle school but being a part of my high school team has been a whole new and uplifting experience. The game has given me a new mindset, and the people have given me joy.

Venus Williams once stated, “Tennis is mostly mental. You win or lose the match before you ever go out there.” Each match, I try to walk onto the court with Mustang Pride.

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As I practice my back hands, forehands, and special spin serve, I am also preparing my mind. In order to do well in the match, I must be focused and have a positive attitude, and believe that I will do well. Before the game begins, I have to decide whether or not I will win. If I lack confidence in my ability to play well and go out on the court with a negative attitude, I am most likely to lose the match. Venus could not have described the game any better. Tennis challenges you to have a positive mentality, regardless of the circumstances. Knowing and understanding this has allowed me to turn my tennis game as well as other everyday situations into fulfilling experiences.

Since joining the high school tennis team, I have gained many amazing friends. At the beginning of the season, I practiced with several other players to determine with whom I played best. What I did not know at the time was that my doubles partner would end up being one of my best friends. As best-selling author Shanna Rodriguez states, “The great thing about new friends is that they bring new energy to your soul.” These new friendships formed through the game of tennis have brought an abundance of energy and joy to my soul.
Playing tennis in high school has made me so happy that it would make me heartbroken to think about not playing one day. Thankfully tennis is a sport you can play lifelong, and one I hope to always enjoy. I appreciate the focus it gives me, and I am especially thankful for the friends I have made. I look forward to continuing to have fun with them on the court in high school and in the future. Tennis has lifted my heart up, and that is my advantage!

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Venus Williams Once Stated. (2020, Jan 30). Retrieved from