Software Architecture Methods

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Software architecture plays a crucial role in ensuring adaptability and success in today’s competitive tech landscape. As these systems grow in complexity, the need for robust software architecture analysis methods becomes increasingly crucial. This essay explores various software architecture analysis techniques, highlighting their strengths and limitations while focusing on their ability to address conventional and crosscutting architectural concerns. The central thesis posits that while traditional methods provide a solid foundation, new approaches like the Aspectual Software Architecture Analysis Method (ASAAM) and the Concern Oriented Software Architecture Analysis Method (COSAMM) offer enhanced capabilities for identifying and managing architectural aspects, thereby improving the modifiability and overall quality of software systems.

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Aspectual and Concern-Oriented Methods

Traditional software architecture analysis methods, though effective in many respects, often fall short when it comes to distinguishing between conventional architecture concerns and those that crosscut multiple components. This oversight can lead to tangled code at the design and programming level, ultimately compromising the quality assurance these methods aim to ensure. To address this issue, B. Tekinerdogan proposed the Aspectual Software Architecture Analysis Method (ASAAM). ASAAM builds upon the Software Architecture Analysis Method (SAAM), incorporating an explicit mechanism for describing architectural aspects and tangled components. This method comprises five steps: Candidate Architecture Development, Scenarios Development, Individual Scenario Evaluation and Aspect Identification, Scenario Interaction Assessment and Component Classification, and Architecture Refactoring.

By integrating these steps, ASAAM aims to identify architectural aspects that might otherwise remain obscured, making it a complementary technique to other architecture analysis methods. ASAAM's focus on architectural aspects provides software architects with a more nuanced understanding of the system, enabling them to address crosscutting concerns effectively and maintain cleaner, more modular codebases.

Similarly, the Concern Oriented Software Architecture Analysis Method (COSAMM) treats concerns as first-class entities and employs an iterative approach to assess and transform software architectures. Inspired by ASAAM, COSAMM utilizes Design Structure Matrices (DSMs) and Domain Mapping Matrices (DMMs) to identify concerns and analyze dependencies between architectural modules. DSMs facilitate concern identification and dependency analysis, while DMMs measure the scattering and tangling of these concerns. By explicitly addressing these issues, COSAMM helps architects design systems that are more adaptable and easier to maintain.

Modifiability and Its Importance

Software modifiability is a critical characteristic of software systems, as it ensures that they remain flexible in the face of evolving requirements, platforms, and environmental pressures. As G. Alkhatib notes, a significant portion of software lifecycle costs, at least 60%, is associated with maintenance activities. This statistic underscores the importance of designing architectures that can accommodate change, thereby reducing maintenance costs and extending the lifespan of software systems.

M.M. Lehman et al. highlight the necessity for systems to evolve with their changing environments, warning that failure to do so may lead to early decline. The ability to anticipate future evolutions and incorporate new requirements is paramount. However, there is a scarcity of techniques or tools that software architects can use to ensure that high modifiability is achieved. This gap in resources makes software architecture analysis a crucial activity in the pursuit of modifiability.

Architecture-Level Modifiability Analysis

The Architecture Level Modifiability Analysis (ALMA) method is specifically designed to evaluate software architecture from a modifiability perspective. ALMA focuses on predicting maintenance effort, assessing risks, and comparing candidate architectures. The method comprises five steps: Set Goal, Describe Software Architecture, Elicit Scenarios, Evaluate Scenarios, and Interpret Results.

Setting the goal involves determining the analysis's primary objective, such as maintenance cost prediction, risk assessment, or software architecture selection. The subsequent steps involve gathering architectural information, selecting and evaluating change scenarios, and interpreting the results to draw conclusions about the system's modifiability. ALMA emphasizes the importance of identifying directly and indirectly affected components, assessing their impact, and considering potential ripple effects across system boundaries. By doing so, ALMA provides a structured approach to understanding and improving a system's modifiability.


In conclusion, the landscape of software architecture analysis is evolving to address the growing complexity of modern software systems. Traditional methods provide a solid foundation, but innovative approaches like ASAAM and COSAMM offer enhanced capabilities for identifying and managing architectural aspects and concerns. These methods, coupled with targeted analyses like ALMA, provide valuable tools for software architects striving to design systems that are not only robust and reliable but also adaptable to future changes. As the field continues to advance, these methods will play an increasingly important role in ensuring that software systems remain flexible and maintainable over time, ultimately leading to more successful and sustainable software development projects.

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Software Architecture Methods. (2021, Oct 17). Retrieved from