Type of Project Management Techniques

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Updated: Jun 29, 2022
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All missions have some type of project management techniques that are utilized. It is an essential part in the higher echelons as it pertains to mission and project timelines. Why would using the project management techniques be useful to a senior prime power soldier? Project management techniques would be useful to senior prime power soldiers for countless reasons. Some of the reasons are obvious and at first glance some of the reasons are imperceptible. Project management is critical for completion of a project within budget and on time while maintaining quality.

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One major reason would be to have a means to make adjustments in resources if unexpected changes occurred. Project management techniques, whether long-hand or using Microsoft Project, provide a way to make these adjustments. Another reason would be to increase efficiency. By properly planning, senior soldiers would know how many resources they needed for each period of time so there weren’t extra people or materials not being used in each time period. Another reason would be to increase productivity. By properly planning, they could develop an optimal plan, and in some cases could be doing some tasks simultaneously. Project management uses checklists and charts to determine project planning timelines which can be beneficial for milestones and monitoring overall project status (TM 3-34.42, 2-3). By using the project management techniques, individuals trained in the same techniques could change roles mid-project if an emergency happened and personnel had to leave. Project management techniques teach consistency between projects.

Project management techniques also implement safety standards and protocols. In reference to TM 3-34.42, project management methods implement safety inspections, daily safety reports, safety managers, and following safe work practices. Quality assurance is also implemented through project management techniques. Depending on the size of the project, a quality assurance manager or representative is delegated the tasks regarding quality assurance and quality control. Environmental concerns are implemented as well.

In my experiences, I’ve noticed project management is a lot more than a budgetary role, making sure that the project is completed on time and within budget. It includes all aspects of the project including time, budget, safety, quality assurance, environmental factors, changes, and more.

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Type Of Project Management Techniques. (2022, Jun 27). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/type-of-project-management-techniques/