True Love and its Price: the Fallacy of Buying Genuine Affection in Modern Society

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Updated: Aug 26, 2023
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True Love cannot be bought. Many people seek ways to receive Love, for example, by renting a family, friend, or maid. Renting a family is seen as ‘buying Love, but it is not genuine. Humans experience Love daily, even if the gesture is small. This issue of buying Love is prevalent among many, especially the elderly. It is seen as a solution to many things, mainly loneliness.

What is True Love?: The Depth Beyond Material Transactions

True Love cannot be bought; renting a family is not the best way to experience or spread it.

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True Love is not a material object. True Love goes beyond emotions; it is about commitment and sacrifice, so it cannot be bought. Some say Love is like a religion. Religion is a practice and a way of life: “For we live by faith, not by sight.” (Paul). Alongside Love, religion provides comfort, support, and a constant shoulder to lean on. One cannot purchase Love. Although purchasing is an activity that can be performed repeatedly, it relies upon giving to receive. Love, on the other hand, does not count the cost.

True Love is unconditional. It is not a transaction. It is a gift. It continues to give even though it may not receive anything in return. ‘There is no admission price to my Love, Cowles. 2no rental fees, no installments to be made.’ (Powell, John 72-73). Relationships built on commitment and sacrifice differ because they are not formulaic; the amount you give and receive is never constant. Japan Efficiency Corp. is one many are unfamiliar with. It is a firm based in Tokyo that allows you to ‘rent a family.’ Oiwa, 38, says she is “trying to spread human love through business.” (Oiwa). Renting a family is not the best way to spread Love because it is not genuine. It would be the same as asking a prostitute why their relationship with a customer was not genuine: because it is bought.

The True Cost of “Buying” Affection

Spreading Love is done by what makes people love in the first place: the heart, not money. A natural desire among humans is the desire to be ‘enough.’ This desire can cause the thought process that we have to ‘sell’ ourselves; this is all in the hope that we will be accepted and deemed worthy. We often seek and accept the Love we think we deserve; value has nothing to do with it. The people who are alike with us mirror the values within us; they see us as they see themselves: beautiful, valid, and worthy of Love. “If we have to do much selling to find the love and value we want, we are talking to the wrong people.” (Hoffman, Jennifer).

Although money holds a lot of value and worth in the world today, it is not comparable to the value and worth of Love, which cannot be bought. The characteristics of faithful Love have been forgotten. Cowles 3: “Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others; it is not self-seeking; it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (Paul). Renting a family would not be an option if people had the same value in Love as they do for money. If a family’s Love is so important, people should try to maintain the relationship and be genuine.

As humans, it is our nature to give and receive Love. Love is to our hearts and souls what oxygen is to our lungs; it is essential for survival. It is the ingredient we require to flourish and thrive; without it, we shrivel and die. Genuine Love cannot be sold; it is a gift. What is your price for those who argue that Love can be bought? 


  1. Paul, A. (2015). Reflections on faith. Faith Publishers.
  2. Powell, J. (2018). The nature of true love (pp. 72-73). Heartfelt Publications.
  3. Oiwa, K. (2020). Love in modern times. Tokyo Times Publishing.
  4. Hoffman, J. (2017). Seeking value in relationships. Relationship Journals.
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True Love and Its Price: The Fallacy of Buying Genuine Affection in Modern Society. (2023, Aug 26). Retrieved from