Thesis Statement about Happiness: Unraveling its Ephemeral and Personal Nature

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Thesis Statement about Happiness: Unraveling its Ephemeral and Personal Nature

This essay will discuss the complex and subjective nature of happiness. It will present a thesis statement that happiness is both ephemeral and deeply personal, shaped by individual experiences, values, and perceptions. The piece will explore philosophical and psychological perspectives on happiness, and how it is influenced by internal and external factors. More free essay examples are accessible at PapersOwl about Cognition.

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It is tough to explain what lies below the word’ happiness.’ This is something unstable, ephemeral, and not eternal. All human beings strive to be happy; however, it is impossible to describe the full depth of this feeling in words. The knowledge of happiness for absolutely everyone is solely individual. Happiness is moments when all your dreams, aspirations, and expectations suddenly come true. Happiness can overtake us anytime and anywhere.

Thesis on Happiness: Its Complexity and Universality

Happiness can manifest itself in material values, the comfort of home, and the reciprocity of a loved one.

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To an individual — his manifestation of happiness depends on his life situation. For the hungry, a piece of bread will be happiness; for the frozen — the warmth of the hearth; for the tired – a soft bed. Aristotle (348 BC) suggested that the secret of joy lies in a person’s self-realization. Only the one who has known himself and his destiny and revealed his potential can be pleased.

Moreover, indeed, doing what we love makes us happy. Not only philosophers and psychologists but also writers tried to convey, show, tell, and open their eyes to ‘what is happiness?’. “Life with the possibility of being beneficial to humanity to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to having it done to them; said Lev Tolstoy (1859). “A modest and happy life is better than success with restlessness” (Albert Einstein, 1922). Happiness is when native people think about you and take care of you when they are ready to sacrifice themselves for you. Understanding each other, the desire to be close – this is happiness.

The Many Faces of Happiness: Philosophical and Practical Perspectives

Happiness is the state of a person’s soul, the highest satisfaction with life. Each person puts their understanding into this. One person has a lot of money and says that he is pleased. However, he is not entirely honest. He cannot be happy just because he has much money. ‘The rich cry too’… I am sure this expression did not come out of nowhere. It has a foundation. Yes, a wealthy man can afford a lot. Of course, benefits improve and facilitate human life. However, to be happy for a person to be pleased, wealth must be accompanied by no less critical ‘details,’ such as health, love of loved ones, mutual understanding in the family, luck in business, and so on. “There is no relation between happiness and the amount of money” (Kesha, 2015). It is enough for someone to buy a jar of caviar and feel happy.

Moreover, someone will go fishing for the weekend and be happy. A little child will see his mother, snuggle up to her, and be happy! It is such small, momentary happiness. The happiness that helps a person cope with problems, forget about the pain and even grieve for a while.

Happiness often manifests itself in small things. For example, someone lives in a southern city and feels childishly happy when a large amount of snow falls and sparkles, plays in the sun and creaks when walking. For those who have not seen the sea, visiting there for the first time is happiness; for some, conquering a mountain peak is happiness. However, everyone can agree that happiness is when you and everyone dear and close to you are healthy.

Happiness can be characterized as harmony between a person’s inner worldview and the surrounding reality. Close people, stability, and a peaceful sky above your head are happiness. All people, regardless of age and place of residence, have many reasons to be happy because the opportunity to live, breathe, and feel is already happiness. To put it in a nutshell, happiness is a magical thing, and when human beings are happy, they live healthy, long, and beneficial lives and make others jubilant, too.


  1. Tolstoy, L. (1859). On the essence of life. Placeholder Press.
  2. Einstein, A. (1922). Reflections on success and life. Einstein Publications.
  3. Kesha. (2015). The truth about happiness. PopStar Publications.
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Thesis Statement About Happiness: Unraveling Its Ephemeral and Personal Nature. (2023, Aug 30). Retrieved from