The Social and Demographic Trends of the Dog Owners

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Updated: Aug 18, 2023
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Southern Delight, has all-natural ingredients and is gluten free. In pet food, gluten helps foods maintain their shape, acting as a glue that holds food together. Southern Delight also contains ingredients that not only maintain a healthy weight but also improve eyesight, hair, and nails. Southern Delight also has a good source of fiber and probiotics to keep your dog healthy and free of any bacteria within their system.

Southern Delight may have additional cost but it’s useful for all dog owners, our focus will be on middle class as well as upper class families that have more than one pet.

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The cost of all- natural ingredients you’ll have to choose upper class income that doesn’t mind spending an extra dollar or two on their pet, because all-natural ingredients cost is high. In my opinion marketing to lower class which does not have the means to buy all-natural dog food. Many are feeding their pets just table scraps, cans or bags of food from a local supermarket that is very inexpensive. Statistics has shown that middle to high class families tend to spend more on pet food and pet supplies due to their income level, they can afford to spend a little bit more as oppose to a lower- class family, which cannot afford the pet supplies. Those developed 50 to 65 burns through 25 percent more than ordinary. Spending on pets is underneath typical among householders developed at least 65 built up and among those under age 40. Hitched couples with preschoolers spend not as much as the ordinary family on pets, as do single guards and individuals who live alone. The social events of heads live in six-figure comfort. Nation Squires acknowledge nation club sports like golf, tennis, and swimming, and likewise skiing, cruising, and biking. Their Income is upscale, the age ranges from 37-55, similarly with kids and generally contract holders, their work levels are Management and Professional and ethnic contrasting qualities is White, Asian, Hispanic and Mixed.

Pet owners always find that finding a great pet food for their pets can be a challenge. Shockingly, as of now accessible items offer pet proprietors insignificant help as they are by and large made with undesirable fixings, produced using items that don’t advance a more advantageous looking coat, hard to get ready and is engaging your pet’s taste. Pet proprietors will concur with an item that can/will address these issues. A lot of pet food today contains food dyes, rendered fat, contaminants, and chemicals and preservatives. Pet owners are looking for pet food that’re focused on making healthy not indulgent choices. “Despite of the booming U.S. pet treat market, most consumers feel that pleasing pets should take a backseat to picking healthy fare (Nielsen, 2016).”

Southern Delight could use this information to develop marketing strategies just by knowing what the threats are, an example would have to be that Walmart and Sam’s Club sell their products in bulk, we would have to try to offer more services to get the customer in the store. It’ll give consumers other reasons to come into the store, another example would be to have a friendly environment, so that the pets can interact with one another. Also, another way to get to customers into the store would be to give treats to your pet throughout the store, with many different water stations, so that your pet can have a friendly experience with you as well.

Southern Delight will offer many different amenities for pets such as grooming, bathing, massages, and manicures/pedicures, as well as flea and tick baths. Additionally, Southern Delight will offer teeth cleaning for pets and general health needs to draw in consumers. Other promotions that Southern Delight will use include in-store coupons so that customers can utilize them while shopping, as opposed to waiting to receive coupons in their email or in the mail. Another example would be to hold a flash sale; a well-executed flash sale can significantly increase sales.

The marketing strategies that I would possibly avoid include advertising on television. I’ve chosen television because most consumers may see a product on screen but might not get to the store in time for the sale. Instead, I would focus on marketing our products through social media and emails. Social media is a compelling way to market as consumers are constantly on their phones and many often shop online right from their mobile devices. In my opinion, most companies advertise their products on Facebook and Instagram.

In conclusion, Southern Delight is what your pet needs. It will do wonders for your pet and provide them with the significant benefits of all-natural ingredients and probiotics. These contribute to a healthy coat, improved eyesight, and healthy nails. We aim to offer this product to middle and high-class families, assuring them that their family pet can maintain its health and live a long, healthy life.

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The Social and Demographic Trends of the Dog Owners. (2022, Nov 23). Retrieved from