Pet Adoption Trends Analysis
“The stacked bar plot in figure \ref{fig:barplot2} divides the previous plot by pet type. From this bar plot, it is seen that the number of type 2 (dogs) pets are more than the number of type 1 (cat) pets. The highest number of dogs are adoption speed bar plot for dogs shows a trend similar to the bar plot for the entire dataset with the highest number of dogs being adopted at speed 4. However, it is seen that the highest number of cats are adopted at adoption speed 2 followed by 4 and 1 closely.
The number of pets in the speed 0 category are the lowest for both cats and dogs but more cats than dogs are adopted on the same day they are left at the shelter, though there are more dogs at the shelter. This goes on to suggest that cats are preferred for adoption more than dogs.
A powerful method to visualize relationship between two categorical variables in using a 2-D heat map. The colorbar in the heatmap is normalized by the column – the column with the least number of pets in any given row is corresponds to 0 and the column with the highest number of pets corresponds to 1. The color gradient is interpolated in between this range to represent the number of pets that fall within different categories. Column normalization will help to understand if the adoption speed trend varies for different row categories. In figure figure \ref{fig:heatmap1}, it is seen that the highest number of pets fall in the maturity size 2 (medium-sized) category while for pets that fall in the maturity size 1 category (small-sized) category, the highest number of pets fall in the adoption speed 1 category. This observation suggests that a greater proportion of small-sized pets are adopted at a higher speed when compared to medium-sized pets.
However, this trend does not hold true for large-sized pets (maturity size 3). Similarly, looking at sterilization of pets in figure \ref{fig:heatmap2}, it is seem that most pets that are adopted are not sterilized and are also adopted at higher adoption speeds. A greater proportion of pets that are sterilized are adopted at a lower speed (adoption speed 5) than pets that are not sterilized. The color coding in the first two rows of the heatmap reflect this trend.”
Pet Adoption Trends Analysis. (2021, Apr 21). Retrieved from