Do we Live in a True Democracy?

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I remember all throughout my educational career I always had that one teacher that forces everyone to stand for the pledge of allegiance. They even went as far as threatening to give detention if students did not participate. Students should not be forced to stand or say the Pledge Of Allegiance because they have freedom of speech, A lot of people do not agree with the pledge,and its not all inclusive.

Students have freedom of speech which is provided to them by their first amendment.

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“As far back as 1943, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that requiring all public school students to recite the pledge of allegiance was a violation of their First Amendment rights, because free speech includes the right not to speak against your beliefs”(cornell law school). Making it very clear that forcing a child to stand and say the pledge of allegiance is a violation of our first amendment.Violating someone’s rights is wrong and it goes against everything america “stands for”. October 5,2012 Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signs legislation requiring public school students be provided the opportunity to recite the Pledge of Allegiance each school day. However, students can’t be forced to say the pledge (pledge of allegiance fast facts ).This is a constant battle with schools and the government, when it shouldn’t be because it is a basic right.Students rights say one thing and the school enforce another and it’s not fair to young children that dont know their rights.This is also a personal topic for some teachers that feel you are disrespecting their family members that fight or have fought for this country.Making it clear that not many people can not agree on this topic.

Many people like “parents” do not agree with everything in the pledge of allegiance .If parents are not okay with their children standing and saying the pledge because it does not line up with their beliefs then students should not be forced to participate.That is certainly a violation of the parent child relationship and family values.“On august 23,2016, fox news journalist todd starnes reports that “parents were fuming over a Pledge Of Allegiance waiver”‘I understand my rights as a parent and I request that my child, noted above, be excused from reciting the Pledge of Allegiance”. This request includes standing and placing his/her right hand over his/her heart” (starnes). As you can see florida is already on the right track with the pledge of allegiance waiver. This waiver gives the power to the parents and should be in schools around america because it is inclusive for all.

The pledge of allegiance is not all inclusive and many people want the “under god” part to be removed.With america being a place where people should feel free to express their religion “under god” undermines other religions.The pledge of allegiance was originally written without the “under god” phrase.””I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all (“ushistory).Then america became fearful of communist and made the entire nation turn to god.

“”In 1954, in response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words “”under God,”” creating the 31-word pledge we say today. Bellamy’s daughter objected to this alteration. “Today it reads:””I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” (ushistory.).Yet the government wants to argue that they do not mean “under god” in a religious aspect. Does that seem accurate to you? Many other people argue that everyone should stand and recite the pledge of allegiance. “Students should stand for the pledge of allegiance because may 9,2014 the supreme judicial court of massachusetts rules that the pledge of allegiance does not discriminate against atheists saying the words under god represent patriotic not a religious exercise” (ushistory). This proves that many people truly believe the the pledge of allegiance is patriotic and does not need to be changed.This being said when the pledge of allegiance was changed in the past it was considered a good thing and it could easily change again.

To reiterate students should not be forced to stand and say the pledge of allegiance if it goes against their rights , because not everyone agrees with everything in it ,and the phrase “ under god” should be removed because it is inconsiderate to people that don’t believe in this or any god. Allow the student to make a decision and choose to participate or sit it out.

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Do We Live In A True Democracy?. (2019, Mar 12). Retrieved from