The Problem of Plagiarism

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Generally, plagiarism is alluded to as replicating another’s work or obtaining another person’s unique thoughts. Numerous understudies are blamed for counterfeiting because they basically don’t comprehend it and, along these lines, don’t realize how to keep away from it. When another author thought, expressions, original work and thoughts are stolen and published by another person is wrong and is regarded as plagiarism. Additionally, when words of another are stolen and passed off as one original work, failure to cite someone else work and present them as original and new ideas without crediting the source committing literary theft that’s plagiarism.

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Plagiarism is an expression of extortion where someone else work is stolen and afterwards it is lied about its source. United states law states that original ideas expression is regarded as intellectual property and laws of copyrights protect it as it is done to inventions that are original. If expression are recorded in books or computer files, they are under copyrights protection (Davis & Berry, 2018).

All schools require student to write original papers and to give presentation. Most of this paper will require a lot of research, either from the school libraries, labs or using electronic resources. It is fine to get ideas from other sources, but if you do not cite your work then this leads to plagiarism.

If you phrase words of another or use words from a published article, it is important to use quotation marks around the words and cite the source, or when you paraphrase always cite the source. Plagiarism is a form of stealing and using other people’s ideas and writing it as your own. The Oxford Dictionary defines plagiarism as “to take and use another person’s thoughts, writing, invention etc. as one’s own.” Moulton and Robinson (2002). It can also be taking away another author’s credit for their work, therefore termed as a form of theft.

Plagiarism is considered as unethical no matter who commits it. If you can get away with it, it can be rewarding, it is better not risking getting caught. For instance, the plagiarist might benefit from another’s work with public recognition, promotion, raise in salary and being awarded grants. This is unearned rewards; therefore, plagiarism is dishonest and if material is copyright legal action can be pursued. Shahabuddin (2009) plagiarism is unethical, and it should be stopped.

Types of Plagiarism

During academic career at MIT, students will write original papers that will require lots of research, either in libraries, labs or accessing electronic resources. Understanding the

Standards of reusing other’s creativity is very important. In the United States copyright law does not protect ideas or facts, however it does protect original expression of an idea in words or images in a tangible form. MIT (2019)

Plagiarism is a serious offend, it is fraud. Some authors discover their work in another journals without receiving any accreditation. And often they will pursue this offense in legal action. When students plagiarize, they normally do not intentionally steal another person’s work. They do it by with no understanding of what creates plagiarism. Therefore, the student responsibility is to understand when and how to acknowledge another author’s work.

Plagiarism is also defined as taking someone else’s ideas and making it your own. Using a production without giving credit to the source, and presenting ideas as your own original, and yet you retrieved it from a different source and not giving them credit.

When doing some research or writing a paper, it is always best to site your work to avoid plagiarism. Original ideas and inventions are considered intellectual property and it is protected by copyright laws. Anything recorded or printed such as a book or a computer file, falls under copyright protection.

There are several forms of plagiarism, turning in someone’s work as your own, copying words or ideas that are not yours without giving citing, not putting quotation marks and words spoken by another, providing incorrect information about the source, changing words but copying the sentence structure without giving credit.

Citing sources can avoid plagiarism, simply acknowledge the material been taken from another author, providing the source to the audience will definitely prevent plagiarism. It is very important to cite all sources properly.

Images, videos, and music is considered plagiarism as well, such as copying images from other websites and pasting it to your flyers, or your own website. Using a footage of others videos or using copyright music as your soundtrack. Composing a piece of music that borrows from another’s composition. This happened not too long ago, to singers Robin Thicke, and Pharrell when the court ordered them to pay $7.4m to Marvin Gaye’s children after determining they copied their father’s music to create Blurred Lines.

It is challenging to determine these media situations whether or not the copyright is being violated. For example, making a painting that resembles another person’s photograph or recording an audio or video in which a copyrighted music is playing in the background. The legality of these scenario will depend on the intent to which they are produced. The best way to avoid the legal issues is to confirm the work’s usage permissions and cite them properly.


To avoid plagiarism, one has to understand the value of citations. Some students think using too much citations their instructor would think they are not thinking on your own and relying so much on others materials. But it is not, this demonstrates how you understand the materials and also making distinctions between authors and analyzing their ideas. And providing a few citations does not mean you do not have enough evidence to report.

Taking good notes is the best way to avoid plagiarism. If one improves this skill it allows you practice your critical thinking.

Double check your work by citing all sources even if you put direct quotes in quotation marks, or if you changed the words into synonyms, or if your sentence is made up of your own thoughts but contains a reference to the author’s ideas.


  1. Davis, M. S. & Berry, B. (2018). Scholarly Crimes and Misdemeanors: Violations of Fairness and Trust in the Academic World. Routledge.
  3. The writing center; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  4. Plagiarism in Academia; Shahabuddin, Syed; (2009)
  5. Academic Integrity (MIT, 2019
  7. Olesen, Jacob (2018) 8 Easy Ways To Avoid Plagiarism
  8. Boesz, C. C. and Fischer, P. L. (2010) ‘International cooperation to ensure research integrity’, in Anderson, M. S. and Steneck, N. H. International Research Collaborations: Much to be gained, many ways to get in trouble. New York: Routledge, p.129
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The Problem of Plagiarism. (2022, Feb 11). Retrieved from