The LGBT Communities Struggle for Rights

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During life’s experiences and social interactions, it is impossible to avoid conflict. However, how individuals resolve the conflicts peacefully and productively is crucial to problem-solving. Fiske (2014) states that prosocial behavior includes actions with the intent to benefit others. In conflict situations, it is important to compromise and resolve cases to benefit one’s self and others.

Conflict Summary

For years the LGBT, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Community has been fighting for equal rights to legally marry one another as well as have the opportunity of health benefits through employers for domestic partnerships.

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According to Kubasek, Glass, and Cook (2011), the first step to equal rights for same-sex couples was the appeal of the marriage act allowing legal matrimony between LGBT member on a state and federal level. However, the battle for equal rights for health benefits and private employer recognition continues throughout communities in Montana.

The LGBT communities raise awareness to law makers and private companies as to why domestic partners deserve the same opportunities for partner benefits as straight couples are offered. According to Cordes (2012), while the state of North Carolina and federal government recognize same-sex matrimony, private employers do not have to allow domestic partnership benefits by religious freedom protections. While this is a form of discrimination towards LGBT individuals, it is still legal to deny health benefits to partners. Thus, the conflict between the LGBT community and the state to force all employers to offer befits to all couples regardless of gender.

Overt and Covert Issues

With any conflict, there are always problems for both parties involved which are both open and explicit along with hidden motives. According to Wilson (2015), private employers often openly express their religious reasons for a non-supportive opinion on same-sex marriage and domestic partner benefits. The state of North Carolina maintains the respect for the right of religious freedom and expression in regards to business practices as does the LGBT community and the right to speak out against the perception of discrimination (Wilson, 2015). Without openly admitting a fear of loss of business or community supporters, it is possible the employers are motivated to hold steadfast to older traditional marriage standards within the company without admitting these beliefs publicly (Kubasek, Glass & Cook, 2011).

The LGBT communities spare no expense when public speaking about equal rights. While this is an open agenda for all same-sex couples, there are omissions in regards to motives which include a fear of rejection or backfire taking away rights given thus far by the state of North Carolina (Cordes, 2012). While it was only in the last two years North Carolina legalized gay matrimony, some private employers wanted to be ahead of the game and offered dome tic partnership benefits equal to heterosexual partners (Cordes, 2012). Whether personal, professional or community influences, both overt and covert issues exist between involved groups.

Effects of Conflict on Organization and Community

Prosocial behavior plays a significant role in how the conflicts between the state, employers, and LGBT communities are affected. According to Fiske (2014), cooperating, defending and showing concern for those feeling discriminated against can separate individuals with different perceptions causing issues among all people on both sides. Gwartney, Fessenden, and Landt (2002) state there are long-term and short-term effects of conflict which no one can escape. Businesses lose profits as people avoid the situation which can be difficult to recover from. Communities have break downs in communication and trust as individuals take sides and reputations of all members are tarnished during a battle.

Attribution Errors

As with any conflict situation, it is additionally important to respect all perceptions of behaviors and intent. Before stating the opinion of the group, research should be conducted to attempt to protect the integrity of the group’s motives and bias (Poteat, 2015). Attribution errors are also considered to be a bias in correspondence when individuals fail to recognize just how their behaviors are coming across. At times, there is emphasis placed on the opposing parties’ actions which are not conducive to the resolution as a whole and focused on internal motives rather than external facts (Poteat, 2015).

A program plan highlighting the importance of awareness of attribution errors and the effects can assist in compromise and clear communication. An explanation of fundamental attribution bias, false conception and negative impression bias can help with awareness of internal and external influences during negotiations and will be discussed further in the included program in hopes of adopting a cooperative approach to the conflict (Ng, 2008).

Dynamics within Groups

Furthermore, the LGBT communities do not function with a hierarchy of leaders and followers which differ from the state legislature lead by a board of individuals. Each group stands firm to their beliefs within the laws that govern the state. Persuasion can be a positive tactic for individuals to change the minds and hearts of those conflicted (Fiske, 2014). Complete strangers without previous relationships coming together to change society and open the minds of perceived closed hearted people and outdated conceptions of equality and human rights.


With a goal of peace and resolution in mind, the following program will define the elements of conflict resolution and how they can be applied to the constant argument for domestic partner rights. The LGBT communities fight for rights and to put laws in place protecting the sanctity of marriage definition between two people including how health benefits are offered through employers. A central strategy of awareness and examples of how extending benefits to same sex couples does not harm anyone but improves the overall health and well-being of the residents of North Carolina. Additionally, how social media can bring communities together to make a change with respect for attributions and a healthy resolution plan to diminish or resolve the conflict through compromise and respect for all.

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The LGBT communities struggle for rights. (2021, Oct 17). Retrieved from