The Intricacies of Temperature in Tropical Rainforests: a Closer Look

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Updated: Jul 06, 2024
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The Intricacies of Temperature in Tropical Rainforests: a Closer Look

This essay is about the temperature range in tropical rainforests and its crucial role in sustaining their rich biodiversity. Found near the equator in regions like the Amazon Basin the Congo Basin and Southeast Asia these rainforests maintain a stable temperature range of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius (68 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit) year-round. The dense canopy high humidity and constant evapotranspiration contribute to this stability. However climate change threatens this balance by causing temperature fluctuations leading to severe droughts increased tree mortality and more frequent forest fires. To protect these vital ecosystems conservation efforts must focus on maintaining temperature stability through preserving large forest areas reforestation projects and reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.

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Some of the most beautiful places on Earth are tropical jungles. These environments are full of life and variety and a lot of that is thanks to the climate they live in especially the temperature changes. We need to learn more about how these jungles’ temperatures change over time in order to fully understand how they work and the problems they face.

Near the equator in places like the Amazon Basin in South America the Congo Basin in Africa and some parts of Southeast Asia you can find tropical jungles.

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The weather in these places is warm all year long; temperatures usually stay between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius (68 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit). This small range of temperatures that doesn’t change much with the seasons is what makes tropical jungles unique. It can get very cold in the winter and very warm in the summer in moderate zones but these jungles stay warm all year.

The thick foliage of the jungle is a big part of why the temperature stays the same. The cover takes in and spreads out the sun like a big tent and it also keeps heat in. This makes the temperature changes between day and night more even. A lot also has to do with high humidity which is often over 80%. The temperatures are always warm because moist air holds heat better than dry air. Evapotranspiration the process by which water moves from the ground to the air through evaporation and plant transpiration also happens all the time and helps keep the temperature fixed.

This steady warmth is important for the rainforest’s complicated environment not just nice to have. A lot of different plant and animal types can live in the warm stable temperature. For example high temperatures make the breakdown of organic matter go faster. This adds nutrients to the soil that plants can use right away. This fast cycle of nutrients is very important for keeping the lush plants that make these woods unique. Also the steady warmth lets animals and plants grow and reproduce all year which helps create the amazing variety of life that can be found in these areas.

Climate change on the other hand is putting this delicate balance in more danger. Even in these areas where temperatures are usually steady global warming is changing the way they stay that way. Even small rises in normal temperatures can have big impacts. For instance warmer temperatures can throw off the balance between temperature and wetness which can cause droughts to happen more often and be worse. This puts stress on the plants which in turn affects the animals that eat and live in those plants. Changing temperatures and humidity can also make jungles more open to diseases and exotic species which is bad for biodiversity even more.

Some tropical jungles are already seeing the effects of these changes in temperature. In the Amazon for example higher temperatures and longer dry seasons have been linked to more forest fires and more trees dying. Large parts of the forest can be destroyed by these fires which release huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the air and make global warming worse. Additionally cutting down trees makes the jungle less able to take in carbon dioxide which starts a loop that speeds up climate change.

Keeping temperatures stable is very important if we want to lessen the effects of climate change on lush jungles. To keep the natural temperature control that the foliage and humidity provide conservation efforts should focus on saving big complete forest areas. Reforestation and afforestation projects can also help fix up areas that have been damaged making them more resistant to changes in weather. Getting rid of greenhouse gas emissions around the world is also important to stop temperatures from rising even more which could overwhelm exotic jungles.

In conclusion the range of temperatures in tropical jungles is an important part of their ecosystems because it gives them the security they need to grow. The constant warmth helps with fast food cycle a lot of different kinds of life and growth and breeding all year long. But climate change is a big danger to this security which could have very bad effects on the health and variety of the jungle. To protect these important environments we need to do a lot of different things like protection repair and working together to lower greenhouse gas emissions around the world. We can only hope to protect the complex and fragile balance of tropical jungles if everyone works together.

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The Intricacies of Temperature in Tropical Rainforests: A Closer Look. (2024, Jul 06). Retrieved from