The Industrial Revolution Began

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The Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century, changing society and opening doors of unlimited production possibilities. The inventors of this time created a new look on life and the eager society of the century never looked back. The Revolution was made possible by people such as James Watt, Benjamin Franklin, and Eli White. The Revolution encouraged the transition from agricultural labor to industrial labor, such as factory work.

During the time of the Industrial Revolution, there was a rapid change for Europe.

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Europe had new inventions and the innovations improved dramatically. The economic state of Europe and the lives of the people were amazing. Introduction of better farming practices and inventions of new farming tools such as the wheat drill, which was a sowing device that positioned and covered seeds in the soil, made farming a lot more efficient and required less human labor. These progresses made people moved into the cities in search of jobs. Providing a large workforce for factories, factories became the powerhouses of the industrial revolution. As new machineries were introducing in the factories, work was well organized, there were cheaper labor and mass production of goods at lower cost. This new method of manufacturing goods exponentially increased the economy of Europe.

The factories were the producing of textiles for clothing. Before the production of textiles, the production of wavers and spinners were in demand. People were making money out of it until the demand of textiles faded it out of the factories. Although the spinning jenny was able to pick up the pace of productivity, it was still a piece of machinery used in the homes. Richard Arkwright invented the water frame, which would take manufacturing out of homes and into factories. He designed a device that was water powered and would permit the production of a purely cotton fabric rather than linen fibers. Many factories were built in the country along streams, which provided the necessary water. The cotton industry was now more than ever able to meet the still growing demand. Then came Thomas Newcomen who introduced the steam engine that allowed industries to expand from one production area to another. The steam was the first steady power that was used unlimitedly to pump water out of coalmines. It helps solved all the water problem they had in making the factories progress.

To many, the revolution brought more harm to families and friends. Workers faced longer days and time at work. People didn’t have time for family and activities that bring family together. Laborers did not have the comfort of working and socializing with families since they could be penalized or lay off for doing such things. The nature of the Revolution emphasized more on the importance of the factories rather than the individuals working. Companies did not care about their workers suffered because there was always someone else to take their place if they were incapable of performing their duties. These attitudes made the country rich and the people surfer.

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The Industrial Revolution Began. (2019, Aug 05). Retrieved from