The Rise of Cheating in Education
How it works
Cheating on exams has become increasingly prevalent throughout the 21st century, as the traditional emphasis on genuine learning and understanding seems to be waning. In highly competitive academic environments, such as Stuyvesant High School in New York City, students often find themselves in a relentless pursuit of success, primarily measured through academic achievements. This intense competition has, unfortunately, led many students to resort to unethical practices, such as cheating, to gain an unfair advantage. This behavior not only violates the expected conduct of a well-behaved student but also represents a broader societal failure to uphold educational values.
The erosion of these values is comparable, in many ways, to the moral failings depicted in Dante Alighieri's "Inferno," where sins are punished in the various circles of Hell. In this essay, I will explore the moral implications of cheating, drawing parallels to Dante's work, and suggest more effective measures for addressing this issue.
The Immorality of Cheating
Cheating, at its core, is an act of dishonesty committed to gain an advantage in a competitive situation. Academic success is ideally achieved through diligence, commitment, and intellectual growth. However, some students, doubting their capabilities, choose to cheat and, in doing so, steal the intellectual property of their peers. This act creates an environment of disrespect and injustice, undermining the efforts of honest students who dedicate time and effort to their studies. Moreover, cheating erodes the trust between students and teachers, fostering suspicion and a loss of integrity.
The act of cheating can be seen as mirroring the sins of incontinence, violence, and fraud, each of which is distinctly punished in the circles of Dante's Hell. The sin of incontinence is particularly relevant, as it involves a lack of self-control, which is evident in students who succumb to the temptation of cheating.
The Sin of Incontinence: Lack of Self-Control
The theme of incontinence is exemplified in the Third Circle of Hell, where those guilty of gluttony endure eternal punishment. In Dante’s "Inferno," gluttons are submerged in filthy, icy rain, symbolizing their unchecked indulgence. Similarly, students who cheat display a lack of self-restraint, driven by the overwhelming pressure to succeed academically. This pressure is often exacerbated by peer influence and the burden of a heavy workload, leading some students to believe that cheating is necessary to excel.
The culture of cheating has evolved over the years, with some students feeling compelled to engage in dishonest practices to achieve high grades. When educators fail to detect or address cheating, it reinforces the notion that such behavior can go unpunished, perpetuating a cycle of dishonesty. This cycle mirrors the gluttons' eternal punishment, as both involve an inability to control one's impulses.
Violence and Fraud: The Misplaced Comparison
While the violence depicted in Dante’s "Inferno" is far more severe than any violence associated with cheating, there are still lessons to be learned from these allegories. In the Seventh Circle of Hell, those guilty of violence are punished according to their crimes, whether against others, themselves, or God. Although cheating does not involve physical harm, it can be seen as a form of intellectual violence, as it violates the principles of fairness and equity.
In academic settings, violence related to cheating is typically limited to peer pressure, where students may feel coerced into sharing answers or fear rejection from their peers. While this is a form of social violence, it does not compare to the brutal punishments in Dante’s work. Nevertheless, it highlights the moral degradation associated with cheating and the societal pressure that can lead to unethical behavior.
Effective Countermeasures: Moving Beyond Punishment
The traditional punishment for cheating, such as assigning an automatic zero and notifying parents, is often insufficient in addressing the root causes of the behavior. While these measures may deter some students from cheating, they do not encourage genuine reflection or personal growth. Instead, schools should consider alternative approaches that focus on education and self-improvement.
One potential solution is to require students caught cheating to rewrite the test multiple times, thereby internalizing the material they attempted to bypass. This approach not only reinforces the content but also encourages students to engage more deeply with their studies, reducing the temptation to cheat in the future. Schools could also implement programs that teach students about academic integrity and the value of hard work, helping to foster a culture of honesty and respect.
Conclusion: Upholding Educational Values
In conclusion, cheating in academic settings is a complex issue with significant moral implications. By drawing parallels to Dante's "Inferno," we can better understand the ethical failings associated with cheating and the importance of maintaining integrity in education. While traditional punitive measures may deter some students, a more comprehensive approach is needed to address the underlying causes of cheating. By promoting a culture of honesty and encouraging students to value genuine learning, educational institutions can help students develop the skills and character necessary for success in both academics and life. Ultimately, the goal should be to create an environment where students are motivated by the pursuit of knowledge, rather than the fear of failure or the desire for accolades.
The Rise of Cheating in Education. (2019, Mar 10). Retrieved from