Social Psychology of Food Consumption, Health Sciences and Consumer Behavior

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Updated: Jun 29, 2022
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The usage behavior of information systems found in the research in the past twenty years has primarily been focused on the beginning of adoption and usage of these systems. In the research the intention-based models were largely used to see how users adopt a particular Information System. Although, the Information System adoption theory in the beginning is accepted in most recent researches but the post adoption usage and continuous behavior has substantive differences from adoption and continuous behavior.

Understanding the affect on the habit in the context of the Information Systems continuous usage is the main focus point of this discussion.

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To analyze and bridge the gap between adoption and continuous usage behavior, here we talk about the integrated model of adoption and post-adoption of IS. The further discussion, the Theoretical Background and the Research Model will explain the statistical results.

Social psychology intention-models has been the foundation or basement for the research purpose on the behavior of users. The pre-dominant focus of Technology Acceptance Model(TAM), the Theory of Planned Behavior(TPB) and the Theory of Reasoned Action(TRA) and their branches. Goal, thusly, is shaped by attitudinal convictions and social regularizing impacts. Consequent research has consumed significant endeavors on stretching out the TRA model to clarify other logical and look into concerns. With the different changes and expansions of extra factors, the idea of saw social control, as proposed by Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) was generally perceived, and prompted the improvement of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).

Information Systems Continuance Model On the basis of expectation-confirmation theory, which is vastly used in the study of user behavior literature to study the user’s comfort, post-adoption behavior and the like, Bhattacherjee’s IS continuance model tries to showcase the Information System user’s plan on using in future an Information System. The model decidedly relates goals to both fulfillment and planned handiness. Fulfillment and planned handiness are thus emphatically identified with the degree are considered as client’s assumptions regarding the system are affirmed.

From many different theoretical perspectives, habit is the core research topic of most of the studies. Habit is given a special attention in the study of social psychology, food consumption, health science and consumer behavior. Habit is common across all these disciplines and is considered as the automatic responses to particular situations that can be considered in getting certain results or final goals as a part of learned sequences. 

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Social Psychology of Food Consumption, Health Sciences And Consumer Behavior. (2022, Jun 27). Retrieved from