Social Media and Mental Health
This essay will explore the relationship between social media use and mental health. It will discuss how social media can affect psychological well-being, contributing to issues like anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. The piece will examine both the negative and positive impacts of social media, including its role in fostering connections and community. It will also discuss emerging research in this field, strategies for healthy social media use, and the importance of awareness and education in mitigating potential mental health risks associated with social media. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Mental Health.
How it works
Technology. Are we better off with it or without it? Can we keep up with the problems that it causes? These are the questions that are on everyone's mind, especially those of us who deal with adolescents. Those of us who basically grew up last century (1950 – 1980) saw a lot of changes in technology. Those changes for the most part were ones that made daily life better. The television, computers, the internet, and different parts of the medical field (surgery, patient care, psychology / psychiatry) to name a few.
As someone who has witnessed this technological evolution firsthand, I've observed how social media and mental health have become increasingly intertwined in ways we never anticipated. The rapid advancement of digital technology has transformed not just how we communicate, but how we think, feel, and interact with one another.
Digital Communication Section
In my professional experience working with teenagers, what people did not realize were the issues and problems that technology could bring about mainly with adolescents and their mental health. According to a comprehensive study published in the New York Times, texting, which can be incredibly distracting, can take a toll on a teen's mental health. From a study done by Pew Research Center, teens are texting over 50 texts per day, and one third of teens are texting 100 or more per day. One in seven teens send more than 200 texts. It's easier, they say, to text than to make a phone call. This shift represents more than just a change in communication preferences - it signifies a fundamental transformation in how teenagers develop social skills and emotional connections. Today's technology is growing in leaps and bounds, much faster than it was during our childhood. Now we have so much social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat – that it is hard to keep up with it. The impact of social media and mental health concerns has created a new paradigm in adolescent development that demands our immediate attention.
When we were teenagers and we had a problem at school or with friends – namely bullying – it was usually dealt with quickly (either a physical or verbal fight or our parents meeting with the other teen's parents or the school getting involved). The boundaries were clear, and the impact was contained within our immediate community. Nowadays, it is not face to face bullying. Now the bullying is done on social media where the ENTIRE world is made aware of what is going on just down the block. The intersection of social media and mental health creates a particularly toxic environment where harassment can persist 24/7. This is where technology causes massive problems. Since, when social media is used, the person spreading the negative information or comments is sitting in front of a computer or looking into the screen of a smart phone and it doesn't feel real because they are not seeing the impact or hearing what their comments are having on the other person. In my counseling sessions, I've witnessed how this digital disconnect amplifies the psychological damage, as bullies feel emboldened by the screen's anonymity. This is where it is very easy misinterpretations to happen. You don't know whether the person is serious or just being sarcastic – something that you can if you are face to face. The absence of non-verbal cues and immediate emotional feedback creates a perfect storm for escalating conflict and deepening psychological wounds.
Instant Gratification
As a mental health professional spanning two technological eras, we as adults are having a hard time keeping up with all the positive / negative technology that is available to teenagers. While we are better equipped to handle most of what is thrown our way via social media due to our more developed coping mechanisms, teenagers are not able to do the same. The rapid evolution of social media and mental health challenges has created an unprecedented psychological landscape for today's youth. What we had growing up (TV (7-9 channels) music (8-track, cassettes, vinyl records) was not necessarily instant gratification. Maybe according to our elders it was (since they had even less technology), but it is nowhere near what adolescents are facing today. The delayed gratification we experienced naturally built resilience and patience - crucial psychological skills that today's instant-access culture often undermines. Again, while we were teenagers, we had to wait for something (new electronics, new clothing, latest cellphone, a TV show we wanted to see and if we missed it – oh well). Most of the technology now is basically an individual person using it and not a group, which leads to losing social skills. This shift from collective to isolated entertainment has profound implications for social development and emotional intelligence.
FOMO and Sleep Impact
Today's teenager has a lot to deal with especially the negative impact of social media. As a counselor, I've observed how social media and mental health issues create a reinforcing cycle of anxiety and depression. They may deal with low self-esteem, depression and anxiety; a lot of which is normal in a teenager. But this is exacerbated by the immediateness of the different things that are posted on social media. Research shows that constant social media exposure triggers cortisol releases similar to those experienced during chronic stress. They also deal with sleep deprivation which also affects their mental status as well as their academics. Think back to when you were a kid. You would lie in bed reading a book under the covers with a flashlight so that your parents wouldn't "know" what you were doing. That seems almost quaint now, doesn't it? Imagine a never-ending book – social media – something that you can't put down because of the fear of missing out (FOMO) the next post, tweet, etc. In my practice, I've seen teenagers whose sleep patterns have been completely disrupted by this digital anxiety. Unfortunately, some teenagers haven't made the connection between why they feel bad to what is happening online. They're caught in what I call a 'digital drowning spiral' - the very thing causing their distress becomes their primary coping mechanism. And then to make matters worse, they don't tell their parents or guardian, who normally would find somewhere where the teenager could seek help (mental health provider). They instead either seek out their friends, or in most cases a stranger online, which brings them right back to the problem not the solution.
Online Reality vs. Fiction
What teenagers have a hard time doing is separating fact from fiction. This challenge has become exponentially more complex in the age of social media and mental health concerns. We as adults also have a hard time doing the same thing, but I believe that we are more prepared to do it. Through years of counseling teens, I've witnessed how the carefully curated nature of social media creates unrealistic expectations and damages self-image. Many teenagers may suffer from "the grass is always greener on the other side". They read the different profiles that are up in social media and they believe that this is the truth of the person who posted it. According to recent psychological studies, this constant comparison to idealized online personas can trigger or exacerbate depression and anxiety disorders. They have no way of knowing if this is true or if this is just something that someone posted to make themselves better than what they are. The digital masquerade becomes particularly dangerous when considering how pedophiles and stalkers get what they want. They post a picture of someone that does not even remotely look like them. They create this whole "persona" with likes and hobbies, address and school that the adolescent can't check (or doesn't want to). This digital deception exploits teenagers' natural vulnerability and desire for connection. Slowly they reel them in and then just dare them to meet somewhere so they can really get to know each other. There has also been a rise in stalking, pedophilia, kidnapping, etc. The statistics are alarming: reports of online predatory behavior have increased by 258% in the last five years alone.
Mental Health Treatment
Mental health providers are having a difficult time trying to make their teenage patients believe that everything that is posted is not necessarily the truth. The relationship between social media and mental health creates unique challenges in therapeutic settings. Adolescents feel that if it's posted then it has to be true. In my clinical experience, this digital credulity often stems from a deeper need for certainty in an increasingly chaotic world. Plus, with the rising cost of insurance, many parents cannot provide their children with extended therapy. This creates a dangerous gap in mental health support at a time when it's needed most. What many of the providers are suggesting is that parents get more involved with their children's daily lives by having dinner together, shutting off technology for the weekend, checking their work from school, asking questions to ascertain if there are any problems can be nipped in the bud, have parents or adults explain that everything they read is not necessarily the truth. These interventions, while simple, create crucial spaces for authentic connection and emotional support. Teenagers have an intense need to be accepted by their social peers. And if they have to exaggerate to do this, then so be it. The pressure to maintain an idealized online persona often leads to what I call 'digital identity fracture.' The only problem is that if they are caught in this lie not just the immediate area friends find out but the whole world does so as well. The viral nature of social media transforms private mistakes into public spectacles, magnifying the psychological impact exponentially.
Technology Addiction
Recent studies have shown an alarming correlation between social media exposure and body dysmorphia, particularly among teenage girls who constantly see "perfect" bodies on Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. The impact of social media and mental health concerns is particularly evident in how young people perceive their physical appearance. Some mental health providers have suggested that we as parents limit the use of technology to a couple of hours daily. Easier said than done. In my practice, I've observed withdrawal symptoms that mirror those of substance dependence: when some teenagers have their internet usage limited, some actually have anxiety attacks. Their phone is like an extension of their body and they can't seem to comprehend the need to disconnect from it. Neurological research reveals that the dopamine release patterns during social media use are strikingly similar to those observed in other addictive behaviors. They feel that if they are not paying attention to it continuously then they are missing out on something important. This has been labeled as Internet compulsion since teenagers are unable and unwilling to stay off any form of social media. The psychological grip of this digital dependency affects the same part of the brain that causes gambling, drinking & drug addiction.
The insidiousness of an "addiction" to the internet is that you develop more of a mental dependence to everything online. As both a mental health professional and someone who has witnessed the digital revolution firsthand, I've seen how social media and mental health have become inseparably intertwined in the adolescent experience. Researchers have also linked compulsive Internet use to a range of mental health concerns including mental ill-health, low self-esteem, loneliness, depression, social phobia, and even suicidal thoughts. The CDC's recent report showing a 40-year high in teen suicide rates cannot be divorced from this digital context. There has been a rise of teen suicide due to excessive use of the internet, what is written on social media and bullying. Yet, I remain cautiously optimistic. A number of studies have found associations between increased social media use and the aforementioned issues in addition to sleep problems & eating concerns and teenagers giving in to peer pressure. By understanding these challenges and actively working to create balanced digital habits, we can help our youth navigate this new psychological landscape. The key lies not in demonizing technology, but in teaching resilience and critical thinking skills that will serve them well in an increasingly connected world.

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Social Media and Mental Health. (2021, Apr 12). Retrieved from