Significance of School Uniform – why it should be Required
More often than we may know, people struggle to feel comfortable in clothing for the fear that they will be judged. That is why uniform is a perfect solution. It is a great way to avoid any issues associated with fashionable preferences among individuals. Students encounter these difficulties from when they pick out clothes to showing up at school with their choice of clothing. The use of uniforms increase the attention of students as they are not concerned with other’s clothes, prevents violence, and is more economical.
Uniforms hold great importance as they help in putting a stop to the many concern’s of students.
In the first place, it is without a doubt that uniform helps a student feel comfortable with what they wear to school. If everyone is dressed equally nobody would be looked down upon for having clothes that is not trending. According to Theresa Herbert, managing director/student, “With everyone wearing the same thing, no one has to worry about being judged for what they wear.” This goes to show that uniform prevents problematic situations such as, a student getting teased or bullied. When people have a sense of sameness they are less likely to criticize one another. Moreover, they will not be constantly worrying all the time about other people’s opinions. Ultimately, setting up policies that require students to follow a uniform code will be beneficial.
Subsequently, with violence being a reoccurring situation in schools it is crucial to make the student’s environment feel safe. Uniforms make students feel safe because they are less likely to be stolen as it is not expensive clothing. The US Department of Education, claims wearing uniform can decrease the risk of violence and theft. If certain students wore expensive shirts their peers may feel jealous and use theft as a way to cope with not having certain luxuries.
This is why school should enforce programs that follow a uniform code that stress the idea of having a sense of being part of a community at school, so nobody feels they are left out because they dress much different from others.
Once again, the usage of uniform is vital due to the fact that it is economical. It reduces how much money parent’s spend in a year. Instead of shopping for new jeans, tops, and trending clothes they do one shopping for the whole year. They do not need to worry that their child is wearing the same outfit everyday since it is a rule. As stated by, Education Partnerships INC, “uniform helps us spend less on clothing because fewer wardrobe items are needed for school”. Instead of monthly trips to the shop for clothes one annual buy of uniforms will be just enough for one year worth of clothes.
All in all, uniforms are a great addition to any school who is finding ways to improve their students in many aspects. It is a solution to many troubles people encounter. From reducing violence, to being affordable, and increasing attention of students. It is a positive way to remove distractions at schools. With uniforms a school can improve its students atmosphere and how they overall feel comfortable with the way they appear.

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Significance of School Uniform - Why It Should Be Required. (2021, Apr 26). Retrieved from