Who is the most Influential Person in my Life

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Who is the most Influential Person in my Life

In this personal essay, the author will reflect on the most influential person in their life. It will discuss how this individual has shaped their values, decisions, and life path. The piece will explore the impact of guidance, inspiration, and support from this key figure on the author’s personal growth and achievements. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Influential Person.

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The most influential person in my life would have to be my husband. He has always been there since day one and always will be. He has inspired me to do my best and work my hardest in all I do, and whether I succeed or not, he has always been there to give me a big hug and tell me ‘I love you’. He is my role model and I will love him tell death do us part! You could definitely say he is the love of my life! It took me thirty-eight years to realize what an extraordinary influence my husband has been in my life.

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I would say that I am successful in my life partially because of my husband, because in my heart, he will always be the man who has succeeded in life like no other. He has taught me so many things, and he continues pushing me to do my best every day. My husband is without a doubt my hero who helped form me into who I am today. He has taught me strength and independence are important in life and that I can never stop at what I want to do. I am very thankful for the support I receive from my husband. He is consistently positive and determined to help everyone around him. He is a great goal-setter and has inspired me to set high goals for myself and work hard to reach them.

To lay the foundation of my story I need to mention my parents. I was born 62 years ago in a very small town in Homer, Alaska on October 3, 1956. Homer’s population was listed at 307 people in 1950 (cityofhomer-ak.gov/community/facts-figures, n.d.). We had no running water, electricity, or plumbing. Alaska was not even a state yet, and I was the 3rd baby born in the newly built hospital that opened three months’ before I was born. My Mother moved to Alaska from California when she was six months pregnant with me. We didn’t have an easy life. I had two older brothers and my youngest brother was born two years later.

I dropped out of school three months before graduating from high school. I got pregnant shortly after dropping out of high school. My baby’s father would have no contact with me until my daughter turned four years old. We got back together again and have been married for eight-years on November 14, 2018. I made a promise to myself I would get my General Education Diploma (GED) before my oldest daughter graduated from high school. One month before she graduated I received my GED from the Kenai Peninsula College on April 1995. I was working full time, raising three kids, and taking care of the house. My husband worked away from home and was only home half of the time, which left most of the responsibility on me. Even though he couldn’t be there with me in person we talked to each other three to four times a day and wrote letters back and forth (he is my rock)!

In July 2009 when I was 52 years old, I started looking at on-line schools checking out classes for a bachelor’s degree. I wasn’t sure what field I was interested in pursuing or if I was too old. I ended up getting my degree in Health and Human Services in September 2013 and took a month off from school. I started classes for my master’s degree as a Clinical Mental Health Counselor and received my Diploma on January 1, 2017. I registered yesterday going back to school for my Psychology Degree. I have been going back and forth for the last six months trying to decide if I wanted to go back to school because of my large debt I have incurred because of my schooling. I have so much support telling me “Go for it.” I tell my clients I work with my story and if I can be where I am at today and accomplish what I have in my lifetime they can do and become what ever they want if they put the effort forward! Everybody has one influential person in their lives and ‘personally I think it is my husband.’


  1. https://www.cityofhomer-ak.gov/community/facts-figures 
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Who Is the Most Influential Person in My Life. (2021, Apr 24). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/who-is-the-most-influential-person-in-my-life/