Self-Love: Embracing Self-Care, Affirmations, and the Law of Attraction

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Updated: Aug 05, 2023
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The road to loving yourself is long and frustrating at times, but once you reach the level of acceptance, it’s worth the venture. As someone who has struggled with this in the past, finding love within oneself is necessary to one’s own fulfillment and happiness. It’s worthwhile because putting in the effort, time, and energy to yourself provides you with results that build up character. Caring for yourself gives you feelings of joy, relaxation, and replenished energy to live life to the fullest.

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Accepting yourself for who you are is the first step in the journey. Throughout all your flaws and imperfections, only you have the power to change your negative mentality into a positive, loving one.

Self-Care Routine

Self-care and self-love work hand in hand. Once you start taking care of yourself, the amount of self-love begins to grow. A routine does not have to become a complicated, overwhelming process. It can be as simple as taking out a few minutes of the day to write down your affirmations, goals, or ideas to be organized with your beliefs. It can be fixing up a healthy meal, pampering yourself, working out, creating a comfortable living environment, and bacteria. Be surrounded by people that help you grow or dedicate time to relax. It can also be as simple as making your bed or brushing your teeth because some of us forget that self-love does not have to be an extra chore for you to do. Self-care is what you make it out to be. It is taking care of yourself and dedicating time to yourself for yourself. Because once you prioritize your mental and physical health, you are on the path to self-love. You are taking care of something that you love, and that something is you.

Words of affirmation

The words we tell ourselves have the potential to be the determining factor in our quality of life. You can either choose words that cast a negative projection, or you can tell a story of appreciation, radiating positive energy into your body and soul. My body isn’t perfect; I have visible streak marks all over that I have no control over. Other than thinking, “I hate my streak marks because of the way they look,” I can think, “I love my streak marks because they make me who I am.” Rather than putting yourself down because of your flaws or imperfection, learn to love and appreciate them. My self-love has grown because of the way that I choose to view my body. Remember to ask yourself: Do the words you use nourish your growth, or do they hold you back? The way we use words to shape our own self-image has a tremendous impact on how we navigate ourselves around the world. Build a collage of words that build you up, not break you down.

Law of attraction

The Law of Attraction is our ability to attract into our lives whatever it is we are focusing on. If you allow your mindset of emotions to fall onto the negative side of life, then most likely, you will have that gloomy cloud over your head. But if your harness the same power and focus on the positive side of life, then your thoughts and dreams will become physical. Whatever you dream of is achievable when you pair it with action and effort into whatever you want your path to go. We have the ability to switch our limiting mentality to affirmative speech. Because instead of thinking, “I’m not capable of this because it’s too hard,” -a negative view about yourself- you can switch it into ‘I’m confident of achieving what I set out to do.’ Negative thoughts hold you back from what you are capable of achieving, while positive thoughts pull you forward.


Self-love is taking charge of your life by taking away the negative and building up your character to be the best you can be. The ‘self’ that uses a routine for taking care brings themselves up and attracts good into their life. The ‘self’ is surrounded by words of encouragement, hope, and possibilities.


  1. Neff, K. D. (2015). Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself. William Morrow Paperbacks.

  2. Kabat-Zinn, J. (2013). Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness. Bantam.

  3. Hay, L. L. (1984). You Can Heal Your Life. Hay House.


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Self-Love: Embracing Self-Care, Affirmations, and the Law of Attraction. (2023, Aug 05). Retrieved from