School Uniform – Dress for Success

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The Macquarie wordbook defines the thought of uniform as; dress of the same style, materials and colour worn by a group.. For many decades, students have become more concerning about fashion instead of education. Now, public schools have debated whether students should wear school uniforms.A dress code enforces discipline toward learning by changing a person’s attitude toward success. Students generally act the way they are dressed. With fewer fashion distractions, school will be seen as a priority for teaching and learning rather than trend competitions.

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One particular type of group that uniforms are necessary for are students. Uniforms are a good idea for schools because they make life easier for school children. School is a place for learning; therefore, school uniforms are good because they ensure equality, provide security, and are cost/time effective. Today, students forget about the real reason for going to school and focus on their appearance and popularity. If public schools were to bring in school uniforms, this would cut back on the “socio-economic” differences. Cutting back on the variations permits the scholars to be equal. Students would be able to head to faculty, and not have to worry about what another student saying something about what they are wearing. Also, faculty uniforms can bog down on the social conflicts like cliques or gangs. The school uniforms take away the style or colours that gangs or cliques would wear to stand out from one another.Parents are also impacted when schools require uniforms. Some argue that this policy is simply too expensive; uniforms are literally cheaper. For example, a parent of a teenager that attends a public college spends over $500.00 a year on garments alone, whereas a parent of a teenager with a uniform policy spends less than $200.00 a year. There square measure fewer garments to get, therefore less money to spend. Uniforms provide students with school uniqueness. Students can stand get into field visits and different faculty activities feeling a way of happiness. A bond can then kind and unite a lot of students along.

Keywords: School, uniform, academic, dress code, equality


School uniforms encourage social mobility since they reduce class differences between peers. They are said to encourage a sense of collective membership, helping young people value togetherness and democratic ideals of equality. It helps in building a strong environment for learning, maintain discipline and create a sense of community.

The debate about the effect of school uniforms on individuality and children, remains a hot topic among student, parents and teachers. A shirt, tie and blazer may not be the ingredients of a favourite outfit, but uniforms show that you are part of an organisation. Wearing it says we’re all in this together. Once a symbol of strict school rules, traditional school uniforms have become a liberating and a fashion statement for many students. On the contradictory side, there are students, parents, teachers and schools who think that making child wear a school code or make them follow a certain dress code, will affect their individuality and the chance to express themselves is also taken away from them.

Many agree that academic opportunities ought to be out there to each kid. No matter what their gender or socioeconomic standing is also, kids merit each likelihood to succeed. The advantage of requiring college uniforms during a learning setting is that it reflects this equality. Instead of having kids specialise in the brands they wear or the style they will afford to make cliques, they will specialise in their learning setting instead.

The disadvantage of requiring college uniforms is that it puts a price on folks, guardians, and college districts that’s usually thought of to be unneeded. Not solely do the scholars would like regular garments, however there should even be school garments. Even with subsidies and discounts, the cost of one school uniform could be $20-$50. Here are a number of the extra college uniforms pros and cons to think about furthermore. Research on the effects of school uniforms is still nascent. And the findings on the impact of school uniforms on student behaviour, discipline, connection to the school, attendance and academic gains is at best mixed.


As growing numbers of school across the globe transition to mandatory uniform and dress code policies, the connection between what kids wear, how they behave, and how much they learn is growing clearer. The purpose of this study is to understand and explore the association of school uniforms and the place it has in the behaviour of the student.

Review of literature.

Saving up on time and money – The morning routine of a school child is always less pressurising if the school has a dress code or a uniform to follow. The fact that the the school follows a strict code, limits down the options for a students clothing. This saves time in the morning both the child and the parents is obviously stress free. Uniforms saving money is still a vey debatable point in this hole debate, buy yes it does make a difference. A parent of a teenager that attends a public college spends over $500.00 a year on garments alone, whereas a parent of a teenager with a uniform policy spends less than $200.00 a year. There square measure fewer garments to get, therefore less money to spend

School uniform is a method to keep discipline – Another point that usually raised in favour of school uniforms is that they will increase student’s focus on their academics. The proof for this looks skinny, however several proponents of uniforms argue that if students wear uniforms, they have less time to notice, discuss fashion and distractions in class and spend that energy into learning.

Identification of students on/off campus – When students are asked to follow a particular code of conduct, it’s a lot easier to spot them as uniforms defines the organisation or the community they belong to. If an intruder is wearing something other than the school uniform, they stick out when surrounded by students who follow the uniform. If a class is on expedition, then it becomes easier for the faculty and authorities to quickly establish the kids who are with the cluster.

Less absenteeism and gang activities – Its additionally a great tool to find kids who leave a the school premises without permissions for a reasons like bunk, bullying and other gang activities. It is harder to serve minors alcohol and permit them cigarette if they are seen in school uniform. The fact that the child is in a school uniforms, mechanically establishes thats the child is in school and is out of the campus during the school hours.

Provide a sense of community and breaks down economical barriers – Uniforms can also build community during school as students of all age and aluminise too bond and compassionate over the clothing all of them keep company with the school days. When students don’t wear school uniforms it is simpler to identify students with the foremost and the least economic privilege supported, what they wear to school. School uniforms definitely help in breaking these barriers and economical classical differences between the students, leading to more social mixing.

Uniforms have been a part of the school education since a very long time. They have build a lot of careers and has maintained discipline is lot of peoples like in one way or the other. Still there is a little percentage which thinks that school uniform should not be allowed and should totally erase from the school education system

Financially difficult for parents – Sometimes for some parents keeping a child in the school is the most expensive thing. Uniforms are an annual thing. On an average every school going child has at least 2-3 pairs if they belong to a lower strata and 3-5 if they are financially good. In every 3-4 month some replacement needs to be done, which is another added cost. These added cost cannot always be afforded by the few parents and they feel it’s completely unnecessary to have school uniforms.

Unintentional Segregation – Theres a lot of politics involved in the creation of school uniform policies. Girls might be allowed to wear skirts, but not pants ad trousers. Boys are asked to wear a tie and girls are not given a tie around the neck. Sometimes when students is unsure of their gender spectrum, or experimenting with different forms of gender presentation, school uniforms can create halts for them.

Eliminates the student individuality – Parents and some schools believe that if students wear school uniforms, they will not be able to show their individuality and originality, leading to lack of expressionism. With school uniforms, they could also mistake one another for someone who they’re not.

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School Uniform - Dress For Success. (2019, Feb 01). Retrieved from