Sam’s New Personality

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Updated: Jun 20, 2022
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In the book The Weirdo by Theodore Taylor, sams personality went from a scared little girl to a stubborn teenager. Her personality also changed when she found a dead body.lastly it changed by her being shy in school to being a very open person.

It all started one day when 9 year old sam was walking home from school. She thought she saw something in a ditch. So she put her stuff in her house and went to check it out.

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She walked over to the swamp near her house and climbed into the ditch. She noticed it was something raped in a blue blanket. So she opened the blanket and screamed. It was a dead man with a bullet hole in his chest. This made her very shy and changed her personality for a long time.

Now 16, sam is very stubborn. She is scared from when she was 9. Sam has to dogsit but the dog chases a baer and runs away. Sam chases after the dog. But she gets lost and has to spend the night in the swamp. She slept in a hollowed out stump.That night when she wakes up she hears something she peeks out of the stump and sees a figure. She noticed it was a man holding something over his shoulder. As he got closer she noticed it looked like something wrapped in a blanket with a shooles foot sticking out. She instantly got flashbacks of the dead man she saw. Later she found a house and met a new friend. He was called the weardo. He was in a plane crash and half his body was burned. They became good friends a sam became more open about her feelings and about her past. This changed her personality.

Sam’s new personality changed the weirdos personality as well. Because sam was now so open about her feelings they became good friends. This made the weirdos personality different because he had never had a friend before and he became more open to. This made it so they could share their past stories. Sam’s new personality also changed her parents personality. They both became more scared and worried. They became more protective of Sam because she had gone missing for a two days.

Sam was a scared girl who became friends with a man named the weirdo. This reflected positively on both of them because they were able to relate on past traumas. This in turn changes their personalities because they were so alike and it made them more open so they could talk about their feelings. 

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Sam's New Personality. (2022, Jun 20). Retrieved from