Rogers Diffusion of Innovation Theory

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Rogers diffusion of innovation theory explains how during a period of time an idea or product gains energy and transcends over a group. The result of this circulation is that individuals accept a new idea or behavior. Adoption means that the staff does something new or different than what they had done before such as carrying out a new action or altering a behavior. The way to get staff to change is that the staff member must see the idea, behavior, or action as advancement or innovative.

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Adoption of a new idea, behavior, or action does not occur immediately within the staff instead it is a progression whereby some staff members are more eager to accept the innovation than others. Researchers have discovered that individuals who make the alteration initial have different characteristics than individuals who change later on. After encouraging an innovation to staff it is vital to comprehend the characteristics of the staff that will aid or hamper adoption of the changes.

There are five different kinds of adopter categories , innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards(Article). The innovators are the original group to attempt the new modification, they are willing to try new ideas and take the risk, they also assistance in developing new ideas. Early adopters embrace change also and content with making the changes. Late majority are doubtful at first of the new behavior and only try after others have changed. Lastly the laggards are last to change , they are disbelieving also and like to do things how they always have done them , they are very resistant to change. This collection of individuals needs to be pressured by others and have it proven to them that the change is worth it.

There are numerous limits of Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Copious amounts of the evidence for this theory, counting the adopter groups, did not start in healthcare and it was not established to apply to adoption of health modernizations. It also does not create a participatory approach to adoption of a change. It works well with adoption of behaviors rather than ending or inhibiting of behaviors. Lastly it doesn’t take into account an person’s resources or social support to adopt the new action or modification.

I would use this model to the change Im proposing because I feel it uses the people eager to adopt change to support change in individuals who are resistance to change. The people who are willing to change, the innovators and early adopters, encourage the rest to attempt the alteration , and will give them evidence and encouragement to do so. This would aid in increasing the population of those willing to change and reduce the ones that don’t.

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Rogers Diffusion of Innovation Theory. (2021, May 17). Retrieved from