Management Innovation and Adoption of Emerging Technology

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This paper discusses the primary relationship between firms and the adoption of core technology. In particular, the paper examines a firm’s ability to adopt emerging core technology through management innovation. The paper reveals that the adoption and organization of technological changes is always faced with numerous challenges, mostly for incumbents. Consequently, a vast number of structural contingent solutions, including parallel organization and separated units, are often embraced as powerful enablers for solving different needs in emerging and existing technologies. However, it’s clear that such facilitators and solutions are most likely unsustainable or unfeasible when handling core technologies.

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The research reveals that the adoption of new core technologies, mainly by large telecommunication firms, is paradoxically required for accumulating dynamic knowledge of their surroundings. The main objective of this research is to show how a basic approach enables the organization to overcome rigidities in existing routines, find solutions, and create a conducive environment for adopting cloud technology, thereby solving organizational challenges. An in-depth analysis and report on various aspects of the research follow, providing more insight into the issues involved in core technology adoption.


The main objective of this paper is to examine the relationship between the adoption of emerging core technology and management innovation. Additionally, the paper aims to construct a comprehensive review of disruptive business models. This is founded on the understanding that competition among firms occurs not only through new services or products but primarily through innovative business models. This encourages greater emphasis on proposing unique value and adapting basic organizational structures to services and products.


Due to the rise of cloud computing, the technology intelligence units of various firms have noted emerging trends and communicated their findings through forecast reports within the organization. According to the research findings, one approach involves starting by reducing many uncertainties using a structurally differentiated approach. The collected literature from the research made it possible to gather a dataset compiled from different authors’ ideas on several disruptive business models. These were categorized and analyzed to generate fresh interpretations and inferences.

Decision-making goals.

Decision theory primarily aims to identify uncertainties, alternatives, and other relevant issues related to a given decision, such as the process of decision making and rationality. This process provides extra tools that aid the decision-maker in organizing their reasoning, helping them reach a reasonable outcome. Herbert A. Simon sheds new light on understanding this process, which earned him the Nobel Prize in Economics. His theory is based on the ideal, rational, and classical model of human decision making. Simon’s studies indicate that the rationality of a decision must always be defined through appropriate subjective, conscious, personal, and organizational measures. Among the challenges faced in adopting cloud computing, particularly for SMEs, include but are not limited to the following:

  • Lack of control capability
  • Government regulations
  • The need for ICT experts
  • Challenges of migration issues
  • Internet connection needs.


The digital enterprise architecture has helped greatly in designing a new system of technology to bring about sustainable and effective digital enterprise transformation. Firms of all sizes and types use this innovation to modernize and rationalize their enterprise systems, while considering the alignment of applications at all levels. The adoption of technology has brought new expertise to enterprises, approaches to thinking, and technological know-how to technically provide enterprise solutions.


With the goal of providing a good understanding of the relationship between technology adoption and management innovation, the paper uses a longitudinal, inductive, and field-based case, appropriate for theory building. The methodology was suitable for the general purpose of the study, as it enabled us to closely examine different stages of the explored process. This process pertained to technology adoption in connection with management innovation.

Characteristics / feature

According to the research, observation, and interview, one of the characteristics of Telco is its long-lasting and influential process and routines. Other features are:

  • Broad Network Access
  • Resource Pooling
  • Rapid Elasticity
  • On-Demand Self-Service
  • Selling Services

Important barriers to greater use of the Technology

The use of technology and its adoption always face numerous challenges, some of which are barriers to the use of new technology. The main ones are:

Lack of resources

  • Due to limited resources, there will be a lack;
  • Lack of software, Internet, and access to technology;
  • Insufficient access: The research paper finds that a lack of good access to technology is a significant barrier;
  • Scarcity of time: Integrating technology to the fullest in firms can be time-consuming;
  • Inadequate technical expertise.

In 2012, during the second quarter, the paper revealed that management had decided to dissolve the entire program and formally announce the “execution phase” of cloud technology. They integrated the activities through the agenda of various organizational units. Telco made a comeback with a structure derived from experimenting with new technology. Cloud technology was an existing strategic priority for a business unit, along with resource allocation and incentives for experimental activities.

To better understand this concept, several organizations, business units, and strategic teams engaged in these efforts. Their responsibilities were in technology strategy or cloud computing as research, but this attempt failed. It is clear that the firm could create more strategic value by pushing the barriers of known information, promoting the adoption of technology, and helping it become more sustainable and effective.

Through the conservative technology policy advisory body’s advice, companies recognized the importance of emerging technology and implemented these issues into the mainstream system.

A lack of consistent learning routines, competences, sufficient resources, and appropriate performance measures are examples of the firm’s challenges. According to our empirical and theoretical analyses, these issues are seen as hindrances or barriers to knowledge accumulation in the emerging technological field.


The aspect of capability mainly rests around people, as abilities for individuals and collectives group’s innovations. It is the abilities, the know-how, practical skills, and unique insights of the people working in the company.


In reality, it means the organizational processes, infrastructure, and architecture; the right structure always works as a reasonable force multiplier, giving firms the allowance to innovate and operate more effectively.


If the structure allows the excellent use of abilities and capabilities, culture facilitates firms to use the identified skills of people.

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Management Innovation and Adoption of Emerging Technology. (2021, Mar 16). Retrieved from