Symbiosis between Humans and Robots: the Future of Work

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Arriving at work, you shake hands with a robot – the battery of your automated colleague is charged in the morning, and he's ready for the next task. While this scenario may seem futuristic, it is not entirely implausible. However, rather than robots operating autonomously, it is more likely that humans will control robots, directing them to perform tasks that complement our own capabilities.

The Evolution of Human-Robot Interaction

In recent years, the relationship between humans and machines has evolved into a form of symbiosis, as noted by Patrick Schwarzkopf, who leads the robotics and automation business at the German Mechanical and Industrial Machinery Association (VDMA).

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This partnership is evident in various sectors, where humans and robots collaborate to achieve greater efficiency and safety. For instance, remote-controlled robots equipped with special gloves enable humans to perform hazardous tasks from a safe distance, such as handling radioactive materials or demining operations. In these situations, robots must be physically separated from humans to ensure safety, but in other applications, these boundaries are gradually disappearing.

Industrial Robots: Transforming the Workplace

Over the past few decades, industrial robots have become integral to manufacturing processes. They perform repetitive tasks with precision, such as welding and assembly, which were once considered dangerous for human workers. Initially, these robots were isolated to prevent accidents, but advancements in technology have increased their accuracy and intelligence, reducing the need for such barriers. As a result, humans are freed from physically demanding work and can focus on creative and complex problem-solving tasks. This shift has given rise to integrated teams of humans and robots, a phenomenon previously unseen.

According to Falk Senger, Managing Director of the Messe München exhibition center, this collaboration will be showcased at the upcoming automatica event. The demand for robots in the automotive industry is growing, driven by the shift towards alternative technologies like electric and hybrid motors. To meet this demand, car manufacturers require new equipment to produce components for these advanced systems.

Challenges and Opportunities in Automation

While automation offers numerous benefits, it also raises concerns among workers, particularly in Europe. Many fear that robots will replace their jobs, leading to unemployment. A survey commissioned by Messe München reveals that although two-thirds of workers see new technologies as an opportunity to upskill, only half believe that robots will create well-paid jobs. In contrast, countries like the United States and China are more optimistic, viewing automation as a pathway to higher-skilled employment.

Researchers predict that by 2025, the cost of robots will decrease by 65%, with each industrial robot priced under $11,000. This reduction in cost will make robots more accessible, potentially replacing human workers in certain roles. However, it will also create new job opportunities, particularly for engineers who design, program, and maintain these machines.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Robotics

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into robotics represents the next frontier in automation. In 2016, the Japanese company Fanuc, in collaboration with Preferred Networks, introduced AI to enable robots to perform tasks with minimal human intervention. After eight hours of self-learning, Fanuc's smart robots demonstrated a 90% success rate in task completion, comparable to human-programmed robots. Similarly, the German company KUKA launched the collaborative robot LBR iiwa, designed to work alongside humans without compromising safety, thanks to its AI-driven control system and sensitive sensors.

The Future of Work: A New Paradigm

According to forecasts by the McKinsey Global Institute, robots could take over 30% of jobs by 2030, particularly in sectors such as call centers, loan processing, and fast-food services. However, the adoption of robots will also drive the creation of new roles, with estimates suggesting that by 2017, robots accounted for 32% of all professions. Engineers and technicians skilled in robotics will be in high demand, playing a crucial role in this evolving landscape.


In conclusion, the future of work is characterized by a symbiotic relationship between humans and robots. While automation presents challenges, it also offers opportunities for innovation and growth. By embracing this change, we can harness the potential of robots to enhance productivity, improve safety, and create a more dynamic workforce. As we navigate this new paradigm, it is essential to focus on education and training, ensuring that workers are equipped with the skills needed to thrive in an increasingly automated world.

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Symbiosis Between Humans and Robots: The Future of Work. (2021, Jul 15). Retrieved from