Renaissance and Baroque – Likening and Conflicting

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Renaissance and Baroque – Likening and Conflicting

The Renaissance and Baroque periods, although sequential, had distinct artistic, architectural, and cultural styles. This essay would compare and contrast the two eras, highlighting their shared elements and their divergences, from painting techniques and subject matters to broader cultural and philosophical shifts. You can also find more related free essay samples at PapersOwl about Architecture topic.

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Renaissance architecture started in Florence and entailed reawakening of the ancient Roman and Greek elements at around 16th century. Consecutively, Baroque arts, famously identified with the decorated mechanism of skills emerged. Therefore, this paper seeks to draw a comparison between Pazzi’s chapel and Cornaro chapel by highlighting the principles of arts of renaissance and baroque.

Pazzi’s chapel was however reflected as the most furnishing and beautiful artwork standing in the place of rebirth in Florence. Notably, Pazzi hired Filippo to erect the renaissance.

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Typically, the traditional structure was Pazzi’s program to design an emphasis correspondingly, geometrically and with proportionality. Assuredly, it had a rounded vault rests on the center of the plan that was quadrangular in shape. Contrary to the traditional chapel style, Brunelleschi incorporated a minor dome on the scarcely coupled with another on the porch.

The measurements of the vaults relied on the multiples of the tetragonal component. Assuredly, the arithmetic division and multiplication of the unit was perceptible in the windows and the roundels, and even on the round decorative plagues. Additionally, pendentives, which were the roundish triangles, created the interphase in the square plan and the globular base of the cupola. Moreover, the rear face was regular around the centermost bay, with columns and windows sided on the portal door as well as the barrel vaults on its axis.

Most assuredly, it worth noting that, the Cornaro chapel was another architecture initiated by Federico. Notably, it was mapped by Bernini in the Santa Maria church located in the western transept. Principally, it was understood to have been planned as auditorium monument commonly known as the Ecstasy of Saint Teresa. The statue portrayed Teresa of Avilla, and a messenger was believed to have come to her, loaded with a fascinating projectile pointed with fire. Nevertheless, it had a slot lighted by a beam of light from the well positioned passage above it. Also, it had a sudden flash of light emanating from a Blessed Soul.

Additionally, there was a noticeably curved shape over the niche. Sideways, Cornaro domestic associates were pictured settled in balconies, gazing as theatre chambers and appearing to table the goals of the Saint. It seemed as if the family members and the other invitees were called to foretaste the unseen, extraordinary and metaphysical scenarios. Trompe Ioeil pictures of the sky full of cherubs were also seen to paint the vault in the chapel, some of which seemingly sloped from the painted surfaces as three-sided form displayed in stucco. However, the inner walling in the Pazzi chapel presented precise geometry of the rebirth.

Honestly, the whole window frames, the squares, the rounded parts, pilasters among the other parts were outlined with strips of dark green carbonates, which were pictured on the walls. In the Cornaro chapel, however, the walling was overstated with many colorations of the wits to appear as canvas, with clear colored marbles copying other structures to deliver a logic of the religious admiration. In the Pazzi chapel, streamers were minimized as much as possible, solely to the supporters, evangelists and some small crust sculptures.

The visible components of the chapel guaranteed the sight for following the spatial advancements of the structures. However, contrary to Pazzi, Cornaro was highly showered and ornamented by stuccos and paintings. In conclusion, the chapels from Pazzi and Cornaro are representative of their times. Principally, besides the fact that they custom varied approaches and different elegances, they all conform to the objective of signifying the mystical stride in various grounds.


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Renaissance and Baroque - Likening and Conflicting. (2019, Dec 22). Retrieved from