Racial Discrimination in Businesses

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Racism has been an issue for an extended period of time. There are a few different ways to characterize what racism is nevertheless this is the most ideal approach to truly comprehend it, it’s prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior. People in our world believe that they use their race to bring others around them down, often it’s done on purpose. Racial separation runs with prejudice since it’s the point at which a man or woman is dealt with less positively than someone else in a comparative circumstance due to their race, color, descent, national or ethnic root or migrant status.

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Not only does racism or racial discrimination occur to people just walking on the streets, but it happens in workplaces such as the business world. The two forms of racial discrimination are direct discrimination and indirect racial segregation. An example of direct discrimination is if a real estate agent refused to rent a house to someone because of their skin color or status. Then for indirect racial segregation would be if a small company told their employees that they can’t wear anything on their heads, this would be unfair to those with racial or ethnic backgrounds. The real question is, why is diversity so highly promoted in the employment field when there are so many instances of racial discrimination that appear.

To have a better handle of why racial separation happens among work, we have to realize what really causes racial segregation. It’s extremely difficult to identify what exactly causes racial discrimination. There are levels to this comprehension the first is to actuate the declarations of separation. Second, is to comprehend what persuades a man or woman to separate along racial lines. If the internal motivations can be measured, then a concept can be formed. Even though racial discrimination has been around for a long time, gaining a better understanding as to why it happens might be a solution to end it.

The year of 1964 on July 2nd, President Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act prohibiting discrimination in public places. Including in schools and other public facilities, and also made employment discrimination illegal. “President John F. Kennedy urged the nation to take action toward guaranteeing equal treatment of every American regardless of race” (Civil Rights Act, 1964). He encouraged the nation to have everyone be treated equally no matter their race. The act forbade discrimination in businesses like restaurants, hotels, and theaters. It even banned the spread of discriminatory practices when it came to giving people jobs, and segregation ended in public places such as schools, swimming pools, and libraries. In the same year, the Civil Rights Act was passed others along with the Senate disagreed with the act and tried to have it terminated. “The Senate filibuster was overcome through the floor leadership of Senator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, the considerable support of President Lyndon Johnson, and the efforts of Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen of Illinois, who convinced Republicans to support the bill” (Civil Rights Act, 1964).

With the Civil Rights Act achieved in 1964, racial discrimination and harassment still occur throughout the workplace environment. “40% to 76% of ethnic, minority employees encounter at least one undesired race related actions within a 12 to 24 month period” (Buchanan, N., Settles, I., & Yap, S., 2010, p. 9). Measurement investigation approaches contemplating separation by investigating the differences between particular groups. Rather than taking a gander at the states of mind or impression of others that might connect with demonstrations of separation, the new methodology should demonstrate the consequences of segregation in unemployment. Large-scale datasets will indicate different levels of underlying social advantages and disadvantages between groups and document their direction over time. Numerous racial separation claims are disregarded, neglected or unreported. Claims that are recognized and seen are valued to provide research to develop formal legal action. Many claims are deflected from legal action. Despite the fact that there has been an expansion in the work constrain the position of racial minorities, there’s a lot of inconsistency. According to Devah Pager and Hana Shephard, “African Americans are twice as likely to be unemployed as whites, and the wages of both blacks and Hispanics continue to lag well behind those of whites” (2008, p. 183).

Procuring choices have tenaciously discovered relentless proof of racial segregation, white inclinations of contracting ranges from half to 240%. A study done by Bertrand and Mullainathan mailed out resumes to employers in Boston and Chicago but they used racially identifiable names to make it known that the person is of a specific race. “…names like Jamal or Lakisha, these names represent African American and Brad or Emily correlate with whites” (D. Pager & H. Shepherd, 2008, p. 190). Callbacks for work was half higher for whites than the individuals who are similarly qualified, dark candidates. “At more aggregate levels, research focuses to the steadiness of word-related segregation, with racial minorities moved in occupations with lower levels of security and power and with fewer opportunities to further a career” (D. Pager & H. Shepherd, 2008, p. 197).

The Racial Discrimination Act was passed in 1975, in Australia. This demonstration was set up wanting to stop racial separation. The Racial Discrimination Act needed racial biased conduct and benefit to the observer to stop however that arrangement didn’t finish too well. Despite the fact that the Racial Discrimination Act did not fill in as viable as arranged they attempted. All that the nation wanted was for racial practices to stop. This Racial Discrimination Act may not be the solution but Australia is taking the right steps toward making an impact. The purpose behind the RAD not working was because of the way that there is so much ethnic and social decent variety that it’s difficult to get everybody in agreement. “An individual’s cultural identity is rather important so to have a law be forced upon people made the act not succeed” (B. Gaze, 2005, p. 185 & 186).

Racial segregation is in financial matters which incorporates salary, compensation, costs paid, and even credit. In most observations, most good jobs were not available to blacks. Not just by employers but it extended to labor unions. In World War II a no-strike pledge was established but due to the labor shortage, they tried to hire blacks. With the workers having a successful strike, it prevented the blacks to work. It’s demoralizing to see that they would have individuals, not of shading, attempt to work when there was a NO-STRIKE vow amid that time. Another way one could detect discrimination was within estimating wage equations. Society and researchers need to know quantitative information of separation for money and knowing one’s prosperity. Racial separation and financial implications are essential. Furthermore bringing issues to light may change gradually and lastly is the evidence of racial discrimination before 1964 would be helpful today. Sadly the passage of legislation no longer has evidence of racial discrimination. “Which means there is no way of knowing what happened and if there was anything that could’ve prevented racial discrimination” (K. Arrow, 1998, p. 93).

According to Michael Sovern, “The National Labor Relations Act; …although primarily concerned with other problems, must be reckoned among the significant elements in the variegated federal effort” (1962, p. 598). It is important mainly for its impact, actual and potential, upon racial discrimination by unions. With the power of labor unions, they either maintain or end discrimination to where there is no rival between employees. This is extremely out of line since it allows the economy associations to pick who lands the position. Individuals believe that Negroes are unimportant, they are confined to the lowest job classifications, along with being excluded from other things as well. Focuses of bigotry and racial separation incorporate blacks, especially in the work field. “The general arrangement is to have Negroes be excluded and have them be nonunion which makes it impossible to get any jobs” (M. Sovern, 1962, p. 625).

The joblessness rate and business populace proportion shift by race and ethnicity even in our current world, the Bureau of Labor Statistics demonstrate the information of various races that are jobless for the year 2016. “Black or African Americans were unemployed at a rate of 8.4%, Hispanic or Latino at 5.8%, White at 4.3% and Asian at 3.6%” (United States Department of Labor., 2017). The statistics used above were to conduct a data chart in the following groupings. The occupations and industries that groups worked at, geographic areas of the country where groups populated (urban and rural setting), education fulfillment, and the amount of discrimination in a workplace. People of color have a lower chance of getting a job compared to those who are white. Those who are black and have an education, mostly live in an urban area, have some job experience, are more than likely to become unemployed than whites who have the same characteristics. Wage inconsistency is also an issue other than hiring and employment. People who are white can be offered up to 15 cents an hour higher than blacks who are just as equally qualified as they are. “Studies show that white men earn about 15% more than black men and white women earn 6% more than black women” (D. Pager & H. Shepherd, 2008, p. 206). Real Fortune organizations comprise of generally white males, despite the fact that organizations get a kick out of the chance to advance decent variety. They think it’s a need to have an assorted group. Research shows that “less than 2% of senior corporate positions are held by minority individuals. Further, women only hold 2.6% of the top executive positions in the Fortune 500” (D. Embrick, 2011, p. 7).

With the increase in black male CEOs, we have to think about how white males don’t have to even try to get the position. This is extremely unfair to those of privilege to have the position handed to them, also for black men and women. Obstructions are set for women which makes it difficult to be coached, procure an advancement or given preparing openings. Research shows, “…the number of women and minority individuals is almost non-existent. There isn’t a need to promote and mentor women and minorities if white males continue to control every corporation” (D. Embrick, 2011, p. 9 & 10). Managers including executive and HR managers did not have a say about their company’s diversity policies or practices. “This is proof that there are many companies that don’t care to provide equal opportunity in the workplace” (D. Embrick, 2011, p. 12 & 13). In Chicago, there was a case that involved black manufacturers that only formed a business upon racism and racial discrimination. Between the times of the Great Migration and the Great Depression, there were ethnic beauty aid industries that arose as a black establishment. Black community-based businesses began to disappear due to the Great Depression, along with other businesses. In order for a business to be a success, they need the attention of the public, along with creating a leadership and friendship with the black community as well. Black people extended their horizons by being entrepreneurs and the start of manufacturing more products. “Blacks pushed through the racial discrimination to prove those who were against them wrong and in the process, succeeded” (R. Silverman, 1998, p. 584).

To take part in mitigating racial segregation of work everybody should make this mindful. By hosting public events that can help spread the word and awareness of racial discrimination it can be beneficial to ease this issue. So many different advocates would be willing to fight for equality. In order for all of this to happen and actually work we need to have a balance of diversity. This means that there should be people of all different races, ages, gender, and color. By having this it will prove to everyone that we can all work together and support a movement that will help provide us all with the balance we can have. Any form of media can help with the spread of what racial discrimination is. With having the radio, TV, Youtube videos, tweets, podcasts, snapchat, Instagram and Facebook posts these can all help racial discrimination be heard. Our current world is currently going through a lot of injustice, to where people are fighting against that corruption. When building an alliance, the people need to feel safe with that alliance. With feeling safe in an alliance, it is the most important thing to have, because negativity could arise or even worse violence could escalate. Most people think that others will only listen to how you feel if you say it the right way, but there really is no right way of expressing how you feel.

When people want their voices to be heard people often tell them that it needs to be in a positive way. Even though racial discrimination is something that isn’t so positive, we can make it positive by putting in all our effort to make it into something that can be positive. Everyone in the world needs equality, and without it, the world wouldn’t function properly. Racial discrimination isn’t helping our world be balanced. It’s more terrible in light of the fact that there is such a large number of individuals in the world that want to work with others of various races, to pick up experience with an assorted group of individuals. In my life, I have experienced racial discrimination happen to people that I know. At my mom’s old work her boss used racial discrimination when hiring people, personally, my mom didn’t like it. She then quit that job because it was unfair to those of race, color, descent, national or ethnic root or migrant status. She now currently works at a dentist office that has barely any racial discrimination. When I’m older I want to work in a place just like my mom does right now. Racial discrimination where I live has slowly gotten better, but in other places, it might not be the same way. When I’m older I will not judge someone or pass over their application just because of their race, color, or status. In order for racial discrimination to get even better, we all need to spread the word about it.

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Racial Discrimination in Businesses. (2020, May 07). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/racial-discrimination-in-businesses/