Prometheus and Frankenstein Similarities: Overreachers of their Time

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The Mythological Foundations of Prometheus and Frankenstein

Frankenstein as the Modern Prometheus

Myths are stories that are created and told by different individuals. They are often revised and can be about specific versions of traditional stories. In classical mythology, Prometheus is known to be the creator of mankind. In some classics, such as Theogony and in Works & Days, Prometheus is known to be a trickster figure and known for stealing fire and giving it to mankind. Zeus tried to prevent men from having power, and Prometheus went and stole it and gave it to the humans, which he then was punished for.

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One example of the Prometheus myth is by Mary Shelley, and she has referenced this myth in her work Frankenstein.

Victor Frankenstein studied natural philosophy and chemistry and had the desire to devote himself to a science that he believed was his natural talent. Frankenstein was very intelligent. He had one of the greatest minds and had a goal in his future to accomplish. His colleagues and professors stated that he “outstripped them all. In relation to this, Prometheus was a very clever trickster titan and was able to outwit Zeus, one of the gods who could not be tricked. Prometheus is described as a figure of intelligence and crafty.

Frankenstein himself felt that he needed to “learn the secrets of heaven and earth” and that the world to him “was a secret in which he desired to divine,” just like Prometheus, who had the desire to take a gift from Zeus regardless of the situation’s outcome. Frankenstein desires to learn the secrets of the world, which leads him to expand the possibilities for humans. However, just like Prometheus, going beyond, regardless of the possibilities, results in consequences for both of them.

The Punishments and Consequences of Overreaching

Prometheus and Frankenstein were both punished for the creations that they had discovered. Prometheus molded the first human beings with clay and water, while Frankenstein found the power to “successfully collect and arrange the materials” within his hands. Both of them gave their creations a piece of themselves so they were able to have the ability to give life. As Prometheus steals fire, he teaches mankind how to use their gift, and this is how he became to be associated with science.

Frankenstein utilized science in creating his creature, which also associates himself with science like Prometheus. Prometheus had given a piece of himself in creating them in the image of gods, and Frankenstein gave his qualities and character to his creature. Frankenstein stated that he wanted to “infuse a spark,” and this can possibly be a reference to the language Prometheus might use to refer to the fire he gave to humanity. Once Frankenstein is finished, Shelley continues to reference Prometheus through the punishment that he suffers. Frankenstein became ill, and his creature terrified him and brought him such emotions that he could not describe.


  1. Hesiod. (c. 700 BCE). Theogony.
  2. Hesiod. (c. 700 BCE). Works & Days.
  3. Shelley, M. (1818). Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. London: Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, & Jones.
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Prometheus and Frankenstein Similarities: Overreachers of Their Time. (2023, Sep 03). Retrieved from