Poverty in Developing Countries

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A. (Opening Device) How many of you ever had to think or worry about your next meal? Most of us, we don’t have to think about that, we don’t think about where we having that meal. But in developing countries people have to think about everything they do in daily life, The goal for the day is to have meal with family and have a shelter, or to live in a house to hope for better lifestyle. To make this dream come true India is taking baby steps by making the poverty their main focus (thesis).

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B. Thesis : Poverty becomes the number one priority in many developing countries as it continuous influence on their development.

C. Today I will be explaining poverty in developing world by 3 main points. First the cause of poverty, Second how it affects the developing world and finally what are countries doing about it.

Causes of poverty in developing world.

Population in India causing poverty. 1.7 billion people

(Quote) (Source 2) Bangalore are a reminder that 260 million Indians still live on less than $1.90 a day. according to Jonathan Broder news reporter and author of India today article published on 5th October, 2018).

(Statistic) (Source 6) 3.1% unemployment 50% of people above and 50% below according to Kalpana Sharma Mumbai Chief and author of book Rediscovering Dharavi published in 2000.

National Debt, every dollar received turns into debt.

Countries under debt for every $1 received.

(Source 9) India under debt of UN of $102 billion dollar according to World bank.

B. Poverty affecting the development

Poverty is affecting the health of people.

(Source 4)Diseases emerging from slums according to Richard Hodson supplement editor and author of Urban Health and well-being published in 17 march 2016.

(Stat) (Source 1) 89.6% deaths in slums because of poor resources. According to Mihika Basu News reporter and author of the article published in August, 2015.

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Poverty is affecting the education of childrens.

(Source 5) 74% Illiteracy in India leading to youth unemployment (according to the non-profit organization of India known as theirworld )

287 million, or 37% of the world’s illiterate people, are Indian according to UNESCO U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

C. India is working to overcome poverty.

There have been major economic, health and education and reforms.

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(Source 6) Education and more by A. K. Shiva Kumar, an economist and member of a council advising the government on development policy.

(Stat)(Source 2) Poverty Rates Dropped to 22 from 45%. GDP expected to grow from 7 to 9% 2019 and 2020. Previously cited author Jonathan Broder

Health is becoming the main focus of India.

Health camps and better lifestyle increasing quality service.

(Source 3) 23,275 households across 100 villages to health care providers in each of the villages, according to Jishnu Das lead economist in World bank and author of article Socio Economics difference published in October 2016.

III. Conclusion In summary as I have talked about poverty in developing countries by covering 3 main points, what cause poverty, affects to poverty and what India is trying to overcome the poverty, and trying to create a better tomorrow for the people below the poverty line, and are creating a lifestyle for the children by providing education institutions, which will make the way out of the slums to better surroundings.

IV. Reference

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Broder, J. (2018, October 5). India today. CQ researcher, 28, 825-848. Retrieved from http://library.cqpress.com/

Das J , Mohpal A . Socioeconomic status and quality of care in rural India: new evidence from provider and household surveys. Health Aff (Millwood). 2016;35(10):1764“ 73.Go to the article, Google Scholar

Eisenstein, M. (2016). Poverty and pathogens: The growth of slums in the developing world’s rapidly expanding cities is creating new opportunities for infectious disease to flourish and spread. Nature, 531(7594 S1), S61 Retrieved From CQ Global Researcher

Hunter, E. (2017, September 08). Poverty leaves India with huge literacy problem still to solve. Retrieved from https://theirworld.org/news/poverty-leaves-india-with-huge-literacy-problem-to-solve

Moritsugu, K. (2007, May 1). India rising. CQ Global Researcher, 1, 101-124. Retrieved from http://library.cqpress.com/

The challenges of making Indian cities slum-free (Part 1). (2012, November 13). Retrieved from http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/southasia/2012/10/24/the-challenges-of-making-indian-cities-slum-free-part-1/

HSP Medical Camps. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2018, from http://hinduseva.org/projects/medical-camps/hsp-medical-camps/

World Bank Group – International Development, Poverty, & Sustainability (2018, October 15). (n.d.).

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Poverty in Developing Countries. (2020, Jan 17). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/poverty-in-developing-countries/