The Early Gun Control Movements

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The Early Gun Control Movements

A historical overview of the genesis of gun control movements in the U.S., considering their motivations, notable figures, and impact on legislation from the nation’s inception to the 20th century. You can also find more related free essay samples at PapersOwl about Gun topic.

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The United States of America has always had a tangled and romantic history with guns, and as the nation owning more guns than any other country in the world, some Americans view gun ownership and violence as a grave social danger. Several organizations and movements have formed in the last two centuries with the hopes of regulating the availability of firearms and limiting the freedom to own firearms. The ultimate goal then and now is to reduce crimes and accidents that involve guns.

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However, the entanglements of gun rights and organizations have put up a strong fight to hold on to their weapons.

In early America, guns were necessary for food and protection. With land unclaimed buy any lord or noble, hunting became an important source of food for early settlers. As the settlers began to embrace a more rural lifestyle, guns became a tool of everyday life in order to protect livestock, crops, and the family unit – especially from the psychological threat of Indians. As America expanded, the South developed a non-utilitarian enjoyment of firearms for sport and target shooting. Every boy was taught to shoot. Soon enough, lighter and more powerful rifles and revolvers developed. To Americans, guns were essential to insure protection of local militias and the right to revolution. However, guns were also recreational and competitive. In 1871, the National Rifle Association formed to “promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis.”

Following World War I, the transition to urbanization begins the association of guns with tragedy and death, crime rather than sport. Entering the twentieth century, the rise of organized crime and the spirit of the prohibition led to a more intense push towards gun control and regulation. New York City was the first American city to see gun control regulation, and the Sullivan Act forced citizens to have a permit to purchase and own a firearm. With so little media coverage, there was little opposition from gun manufacturers and dealers. Although gun deaths stabilized, effectiveness was difficult to prove. The legislation followed an assassination attempt on the mayor of the city, William Gaynor, and this series of events foreshadowed a future of assassinations having the emotional impact to hinder gun crime. Signed into law in May of 1911, legislation regarding gun control did not pick up again for two decades.

The motivation of early gun control movements were focused on helping the citizen, hurting the criminal. However, a majority of Americans still held the opinion that for ordinary, law abiding citizens, a pistol or revolver is a necessity to protection of himself and his family. This did not hinder the activists, and their actions led to the cease of the sale of guns and rifles by Sears Roebuck in 1924. Boycotts and economic tools will be utilized in the modern fight as REI, Walmart, and Dick’s Sporting Goods respond to pressure by changing their policies on gun sales.

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The Early Gun Control Movements. (2020, Jan 18). Retrieved from